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Reason for the ban

Let no man refute the truth, for tyranny like hell deserves nothing less than rebellion. - John Hancock


Homophobic attributes are of direct hatred which I only showed towards the ideology which is a form of free expression. If I said kill all gays then I would under stand the warning, but voicing my opinion on a subject issue which isn't even legally protected yet within the legal system cannot dictate my actions.


To put it simply you have 3 options, Let me voice my opinion non-violently on a subject, or add an option in which I can Block lgbt content mods, or simply to rebel I will ;harass' all lgbt member's with logic, science, and facts I can find. Because you don't have a secure network It wont be hard..


Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, or Revolution the choice is yours...


Note the third option is only present to refute your unfair treatment of opposing issues.


Received this via support ticket after the user was formally warned for such file comment "gems" as "Now I can rid the common wealth of the LGBT mental illness" and "You do know Sigmund Fraud [sic] (father of psychology and neurological studies) concluded homosexual tendencies are mere imagination elements that do not play any use".


Threatening to harass users of a particular sexual persuasion if you don't get your way...I wonder what your idol "Fraud" (it's Freud, btw, not sure if you were being ironic or not...probably not...) would say about that!

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