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Bethesda's New System


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The absolute main reason I bought a PS4 was the promise of Fallout 4 eventually being released. When it was finally announced, I practically screamed with excitement. Then they said consoles would get mod support the same way PCs do, that took the cake.


2 years later, Xbone has full mod support, but PS4 has the 'no external assets' ban on their mods. I get that this is probably mostly to Sony's blame, but it's disappointing. Roll on to E3 2017, and Bethesda announces their new system for 'addons' for apparently all systems. This raises so many questions for me, one big one being if this will bridge the gap that was created by Sony ruining mods for PS4, but mostly...


...Doesn't this feel like the 'Bethesda charging for mods' debacle that happened a few years ago on Steam?

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Okay im not touching that last part about paid mods because that has been talked to death already.


Yes Sony said no to external asset mods and xbox has strict rules for mods on their platform as well. As far as i know this has not changed but the CC system may allow the mods on it to be sold as DLC expansion packs which may mean that the restrictions placed on mods wouldnt apply. Just my theory any way but im PC Master race and have no intentikn of using any CC mods so this wont affect me in any significant way.

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