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Why eat when I'm not hungry


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I've noticed that from the time I begin adventuring until the time I complete all quests and adventures I don't need to eat. Oh, I can if I want , but It's not necessary. Can someone make food necessary? Starvation is a real thing unfortunately, as if food freshness and longevity. Immersion is my thing and most of my mods are immersive so can I ask any of you fantastic mod gods to help with this? A famous Daedra saying goes: "Ask and ye shall receive...but... be careful what you wish for. You just may get it".


Thanks ahead of time. I can't wait to see what ya'll come up with.

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look on the nexus or workshop pages under immersion there are several very good needs mods, or type needs into the search box. Most make sleep, food and sickness things you need to take care of, also they have option menus that let you adjust or turn off features. Should you be looking for a real challeng you could try adding Chesko's exelent mods Frostfall and Campfire that allow the building of camp sites compleat with tents and sleeping bages + campfire on which you can cook food. The frost fall part makes exposer and getting wet things that effect you dependingon what the weather is like, the colder. It is the more it effects you. If you dig around in the immersion section you can make quite a realistc survival experiance for your self. You can make it as difficult oras easy as you want.
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Wow. Thanks. I must have missed that then. I have the campfire mod and the one where you sleep in the wild and get randoom (pun intended) encounters. My son, who plays League, Doom and Fallout, can't believe the realism all the modders have helped me attain in-game.


Once again, thanks for the tip. I'll look again.

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Wow. Thanks. I must have missed that then. I have the campfire mod and the one where you sleep in the wild and get randoom (pun intended) encounters. My son, who plays League, Doom and Fallout, can't believe the realism all the modders have helped me attain in-game.


Once again, thanks for the tip. I'll look again.

The combination iNeed, Campfire, Wet and Cold, Hunterborn, Frostfall, Realistic Needs and Diseases, and some mod for real lightning dmg when thunder, and True Storms makes Skyrim a real survival experience.

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