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Freezing/ Fps drops at certain times


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Hello everyone,


I've been having this problem for awhile now and I've tried messing with it but have not had much luck. I have done my share of googling and troubleshooting but Im at my wits end. So there are two points in this game that I can make the FPS drop every time.


One of the two areas are:


When loading into the game and the video in the background is playing its okay, no stutter or anything. But as soon as I hit a button to continue, I get a major stutter/ FPS drop into the single digits for a second or two and then it loads just fine.


Things Ive tried for this:


--Deleting all my saves from the saves folder


--Turning off the cloud saves


--Verifying the integrity of the cache


--Making a fresh set of ini files


None of this helps


The second area where it has a major stutter is Settlement Building. Anytime I activate it the whole game freezes for at least a couple of seconds.


Things I've tried for this:


--Making a new character


--Verifying the integrity of the cache


--Making a fresh set of ini files


--Deleting all the resources that I had in the workshop


That hasn't helped either. I do have a feeling that this could be do to settlement mods that I have, but i haven't seen any thing about the whole game freezing when activating it. I have maybe 5 or so mods that add items. I did try to remove the settlement mods to see if it helps and it does, but a tiny bit where it goes down from several seconds of freezing to a second or so of a full stutter. Which I still find unacceptable


Here are my PC specs:

-i7 7700k oc @ 5ghz

-EVGA GTX 1080ti SC2 Hybrid oc @ 2025mhz

-Corsair Dominator Platinum @ 3200mhz

-Game being ran off a Samsung 850 evo 1TB


So I don't think its anything hardware that is causing this. Looking for any suggestions or things that could help. Thank you very much

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