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where can i get TES:CS?


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Well, let's see how I say this...


TES:CS comes with Morrowind. If you got Morrowind, the ORIGINAL Morrowind pack, I mean, it comes in a separate CD, quite well visible, in the same box as the game CD. It also comes in GotY (although this I can't assure as I don't have it).


If you haven't found it yet, it may be because you haven't searched in the box as you should have done, or because you have not the version of Morrowind you should have... And I don't want to choose between the two options...

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Yeah....if you install Morrowind, it should say:


Do you want to install the TES: Construction Set?


Or something to that effect...


It also comes with a cd that can be found by flipping the cd-holder inside the case around; this CD is soley for using/installing TES:CS.

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I think wut he is trying to say is that he has a non-legit copy of it and that he wants the TES Construction Set and he doesnt want to go buy a copy of morrowind.
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Milesonwheels, you're new, so no strike... but discussion of illegal activities (software piracy included) is not allowed here.


On topic: the construction set comes with the game, assuming you actually bought it. If you don't have it, you eithe lost the cd or didn't buy the game. In either case, you're not going to find any help here. Topic locked.

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