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Unique Service Rifle, need help integrating


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Hello, I've made a unique Service Rifle with a custom mesh that I wanted to use to replace the vanilla Service Rifle that Private Halford can reward you with for completing the unmarked quest "Help for Halford." I am having trouble with finding where the quest/dialogue reward is in the GECK

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It's in the quest vFreeformCampGuardian.


I saw two places in the quest where he gives the rifle, vFreeformCampGuardianNVCGHalfordTopic020 and vFreeformCampGuardianNVCGHalfordTopic022. These are both near the bottom of the topic list.


I searched through it fairly quickly though so you may want to double check that I didn't miss any more topics where he gives the rifle as a reward.

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A good way to try and figure out where issues are is this. It's how I do it, at least :tongue:


Look for the item you need on a wiki or something to get the base ID. In this case the rifle is here, and its base ID is 000e9c3b.



Paste that number in the GECK's filter window with "ALL" selected and the weapon will show up...



This gives us an idea already - count is the amount of these items that exist in the world (only 7), and users is the amount of objects in the game that reference it - in this case, 23.


Then, right-click it and select "Use Info"...



A window will show up showing everywhere this item is used. As you scroll thru it you'll see the topics madmongo mentioned among a bunch of other stuff.



Then, you can just double-click on whatever you want to look at. Here's one of the dialogue topics, where you can see the reward being given in the end script.



Hope that helps! :smile:


Please note that, sometimes, especially when working on adding stuff to dialogue scripts, you'll have to restart the GECK before the use report shows your changes :wink:

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You can also just select Weapons on the left side of the GECK and enter "service" in the filter box and the service rifle will show up. Most of the time this is faster than googling the item's ID code. However, sometimes the item's ID in the GECK is a lot different than the item name, so filtering different parts of the name won't find it. For example, This Machine's ID is WeapNVBattleRifleUnique, which doesn't contain "this" or "machine" in it anywhere.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for all of your help and sorry to be replying so late, I was away from home for about a week. I did end up being able to integrate the weapon and my other weapon mod into the game successfully! I will be sure to use this method for my future mods.

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