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My Opinion on FONV


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i had originally pre ordered the game for Ps3 (because i had FO3 for it) so i got FONV the day it released. took me a couple of months to even start it, and right off i hated it. and traded it in for the PC version. still couldnt get into it even with mods. after several attempts i finally stuck with it over the past week or so. needless to say before i finally actually played it, i always just said i hated it. now that i have actually played through the game, i should also mention i loved FO3. beat it 3 times full to lvl 30. beat all the DLC. platinumed the game legitly for Ps3. i have to say, my opinion hasnt changed much....now ill admit i used mods. i gained a perk every level. i gained more skill points and (half way through) i set SPECIAL points to 10. used self modded weapons (including a Gatling laser that fired nukes haha that was fun) as well as armor. to say i experienced the full game and all it had to offer would be lieing. i didnt mod my weapons. i didnt make bullets or use different ammo types. i didnt have to worry about armor of enemies, nor did i ever use a campfire or ever make anything. (none of that stuff interests me) so maybe for those of you who think that was a major innovation to the game and thats why i dont like it, well i have no argument.


anyways. yea. it was a fun play through only because i had mods. i dont think i could ever sit through and play the game as it was supposed to be played. the story of FONV sucks. for most of it there isnt one. your just doing random tasks for people. the world is pretty bland to say the last. there are several factions and camps, but you dont get the post apocalyptic feeling that you got in FO3 with the little villages of ppl. the scenery is ugly. mostly just open space until you get to the major factions. no houses to explore no subway system. no cool little side things to explore out of randomness. i found myself basically running form objective to objective rarely getting side tracked. i kept the music off (the songs. the basic FONV background music still played) because it sucked. FO3 music fit the game. fit the genre and fit the atmosphere. FONVs didnt. as i said, the quest had nothing to do with the overall setting. for example FO3 you had to purify water. FONV you were getting revenge.


theres not much i can say good about this game. i started with FO3, and maybe thats the problem. getting back to the factions and stuff from the original Fall Out games was probably pretty cool for those who played them. the weapon mods that you could use seems like a cool idea. and if i were to play normally that would be one cool thing about the game. Hardcore mode also seems like a good idea, i wish i could play it in FO3, as i dont like FONV enough to try it (with or without mods). so yea. will i ever return to this game? possibly. i sided with Yes-Man this time. i kind of want to try different endings (again with mods though) but it will be awhile before i attempt the game again.


lastly. i cannot wait for FO4.

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How can the world be bland? it has a depth that none of Bethesdas efforts come anywhere near to. Bethesda are good at building worlds but they are useless when it comes to filling those them, they've not made a decent RPG since Morrowind. Try involving yourself with the world more, side properly with various factions, even stab them in the back, play a role. You're playing the game as you would a Bethesda game, instead play it like an RPG.
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Lemme guess... you are under the age of 25 or so and have never played the original fallouts?


im 21 and i said in the post that i started with FO3. i also admitted that this game was probably a little better for those who played the original FallOuts, returning to near where it started, then for those of us who started with FO3


You must think Skyrim is the pinnacle of storytelling and visuals too.




Hated Skyrim. couldnt get into the story tbh. it seems like a fun game. but between it having a boring story and me not being able to stand melee combat, its just not the game or me.


How can the world be bland? it has a depth that none of Bethesdas efforts come anywhere near to. Bethesda are good at building worlds but they are useless when it comes to filling those them, they've not made a decent RPG since Morrowind. Try involving yourself with the world more, side properly with various factions, even stab them in the back, play a role. You're playing the game as you would a Bethesda game, instead play it like an RPG.


i played it like i played FO3. i did side with factions. i did backstab factions. multiple times....its bland because its set in a post apocalyptic desert. whats exciting about nuked sand? nothing. as i said, there are no houses to explore. very few communities. FO3 had tons of different communities. bands of people who came together to survive. there was remnants of people who had tried to survive and failed. remnants of failed shelters that people had tried to survive in. there wasnt any of that in FO3. there wasnt any sign of the apocalypse really. the story had nothing to do with the apocalypse. it was about you getting revenge. whoop de do.


i am going back for a second try now. (something i said i wasnt going to do for awhile) ill still be using mods like perking ever level. (no way i could stand the game if i perked every 3 lvls) but no OP weapons or armor. no starting caps or skill books. im also using a mod that puts 2 points into my tagged skills instead of 1. just means ill have points to put elsewhere. but hardly OP. other then that, im playing the game normally. and im playing on Hardcore Mode. so i will be trying the other stuff in the game that i said doesnt really interest me like making campfires, making bullets and stuff....may not be doing it much, but ill still try it. i found that you find plenty of stuff in the world to not need to make anything. or hardly ever buy anything.

Edited by hoofhearted4
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See, I feel like FO3 was good and all, but very lacking in comparison to FO:NV.

New Vegas's writing is superb compared to FO3. The characters are in depth and the DLC's were tasteful and built off of Fallout 1, 2 and Van Buren lore. Something about New Vegas just makes it so much better than Fallout 3. I think companions definitely had something to do with it. In Fallout 3 all the companions were about as lively as potatoes, while in New Vegas they all had a great bask story and interesting personality.

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idk. i think the story in FO3 was better. again, maybe im missing something in NV because i didnt play the original Fall Outs.


i was fine with the companions in FO3. the Mr. Gutsy was my favorite with his funny quotes and stuff. as for back story....meh. i havent tried the companions in FONV (only one play through) except ED-E. and for most of the game, didnt have it, then i did, then it was put on hold somehow and i never realized i didnt have it for most of the rest of the game until the very end lol.


i dont feel like FONV has a story. the world just isnt there...FO3 you could go to iconic land marks. you could see our history in an alternate future. museums and such. (it helps that ive been to DC and can remember it as i play FO3) as i said, all those little colonies that there are, all the signs of failed survival. there is TONS more exploration to do in FO3. houses and subways and bunkers and more! the only cool place in FONV is New Vegas (and i thought it was lacking) whereas in FO3, well i found the whole map to be interesting, with ruins to explore and city streets...again, nothing exciting about nuked sand.



im giving the game another try atm. playing on normal, but in hardcore mode. still some mods, but nothing that makes me OP. im enjoying it slightly, i wont lie. but idk, FO3 still holds a place in my heart cause the world is just 10x better.

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In all seriousness, I see your point and would just like to say that there is a large divide in the Fallout fandom. Those who liked 3 and those who liked NV. I think it all depends on where you're coming from in life. I think one of the main reasons I like New Vegas more is because the desert has a certain nostalgia with me. I also love the idea of ancient Rome being resurrected.

Ave, true to Caesar.

Edited by PetesMcGueets
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i played it like i played FO3. i did side with factions. i did backstab factions. multiple times....its bland because its set in a post apocalyptic desert. whats exciting about nuked sand? nothing. as i said, there are no houses to explore. very few communities. FO3 had tons of different communities. bands of people who came together to survive. there was remnants of people who had tried to survive and failed. remnants of failed shelters that people had tried to survive in. there wasnt any of that in FO3. there wasnt any sign of the apocalypse really. the story had nothing to do with the apocalypse. it was about you getting revenge. whoop de do.




Surely what's in the world is far more important than how much of it there is? Fallout 3 did have a lot of places to explore but there was little of any interest to find, exploring wasn't as pointless as Oblivion but it wasn't exactly great either. As I said in my previous post Bethesda are good at building worlds but they are useless when it comes to filling them, Skyrim is proof enough of that. New Vegas's strength isn't the size of the world but the people living in it, the various factions and the way things change in reaction to your actions. If you're playing it like FO3 then that may explain why you're missing so much, the reason why there is a divide between those who prefer one over the other is because underneath they are very different games. As for the story I think you've missed something somewhere, there is more to the story than simple revenge. Maybe it's just not your kind of game? the world would be a very dull place if we all liked the same things.

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I liked both games pretty evenly, but there are things about both games that I like more or less than the other.


I preferred FO3's world mostly because of the detail that went into it. However there is something about the desert landscape that makes the FONV world enjoyable also. I just can't put my finger on it.


When it comes to the storyline I don't really know which I like more. I thought FO3 had a more personal storyline and FONV less so. I didn't like the fact that in order to truly complete the story of the courier, you had to buy 4 DLCs. I believe DLCs should be extra stuff that has nothing to do with the main story. I did like how in FONV the fate of the Mohave is pretty much entirely up to you whether you want to be evil, good, or somewhere in between.


A lot of FO3 fans say that its a better game because of the bad ass Liberty Prime mission at the end, but I thought the end of FONV was pretty epic too. Having an army of securitrons, a bomber that nobody has seen fly in hundreds of years, artillery, a bunch of old enclave members, and your eyebot buddy that shoots huge laser beams out of his face by your side is pretty cool. That being said, I almost cried when Liberty Prime "died." :(

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