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skyrim keeps crashing after bethesda logo


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these were causing crashes to desktop


realistic waters two



Unofficial Skyrim Grammar and Spelling Patch - USGSp



Weapons and Armor Fixes Remade



there was a 4th that caused a TEMPORARY ctd but disabling and enabling it fixed it

Edited by skannerz22
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I used to have a similar problem. Try running Skyrim with no mods, then slowly add mods. I've found that Skyrim freaks out when you throw a bunch of mods. Try adding one or two, then run Skyrim. Then continue adding more, but only a couple at a time. If this doesn't work then I've got nothing for you.

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A crash right after the Bethesda logo means that you have a missing master. A master file may not be an .esm file like the game masters. It could be an .esp file from another mod. For example, an armor recolor will have the original armor mod as a master file. So, go back and carefully read the mod descriptions for your mods as you install them. Make sure that you have any required files and that they load first (nearer the top of the list) in your load order. And, as the previous poster said, install just a few at a time.


As a note...the Skyrim engine simply won't read .esm and .esp files after you pass the 255 limit. If you've combined mods, which you can do, then you can get around that as long as your rig will support the modded game. Also, using Steam mods along with user installed mods can be a bit tricky because Steam mods will automatically update, and updates may introduce problems or conflicts where there were none before.


Secondly, BOSS is outdated. The currently supported load order tool for Skyrim is LOOT. Personally, I don't use it, as I manage my load order manually, but it's a good place to start when you're trying to sort things out.

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