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[LE] Shops Close for Repairs - Help Please

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I'm trying to get a shop door to lock whenever a dragon perches on the shop's roof. It's not working. I put this on the perch above the Sleeping Giant Inn:


Scriptname plunketDragonPerchScript extends ObjectReference

ObjectReference Property myDoor Auto
Spell Property Smolder Auto

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
Debug.Notification("Local shops are damaged!")
MyDoor.Lock(true, true)
Smolder.Cast(self, akActionRef)
Nothing happens, not even the notification. I tested during Assault.
1. what am I doing wrong, and
2. do I need to set it to unlock after a while or will the door's schedule do that on its own?
Thanks in advance.
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I don't believe using a perch fires an OnActivate event, but what event -- if any -- it does fire I don't know. There might be a way to add a script to any nearby dragons to have events fire when they enter perch animations, but Skyrim animation and animation events are a deep witchcraft to me. Sorry.

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I don't believe using a perch fires an OnActivate event, but what event -- if any -- it does fire I don't know. There might be a way to add a script to any nearby dragons to have events fire when they enter perch animations, but Skyrim animation and animation events are a deep witchcraft to me. Sorry.

There is a vanilla script attached to every perch in the towns, which is basically like mine except it registers a quest event. But rather than risk a big error, I left their script alone. Thanks anyway foamyesque.

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In creationkit.com there is a tutorial where entering an area causes some draugr to activate. Try placing a trigger box around the roof area and using an OnEnter Event because what else other than a dragon would be up on the roof or you could have a condition that checks if it is a dragon.

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I was trying to do something similar to this and experienced the same problem. One workaround for this is to create a triggerbox instead of using the perch itself. You can place the triggerbox around the perch area and have it activate whenever an actor with the keyword for dragons enters the triggerbox.


From there your script would basically be the same, the only difference being the method of activation. The perch idles are finicky for some reason an I think it's easier to just make a triggerbox.

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