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first off some backround. 50 years old. gamer for over 40 years. started modding playing games ,writing my own on an Odyssey in 1973. Computer engineer 30 years. as of now Know 14 different computer languages. now for the things folks wont like .beyond skyrim bruma PC. this was by never ever ready for primetime. thats my fault . what happened.?


first yes all files,hotfixe, unauthorized patches every file required installed. had skyrim and then purchased skyrim special edition day 1. always modded etc. today installed everything. first problem nexus refused to install any of the files thru mod manger kept saying these files arnt for basic skyrim.2. even after i took skyrim off my sysytem and pointed files to special edition it still kept saying not made for skyrim even though basic skyrim was no longer on my system only the special edition.


i downloaded all file manualy put them in their proper place, and added them to mod manger installed fine. started new skyrim no saves deleted. new game started the game played fine hit level 12. followed the directions to imperial guard to start bruma. here is where the crap started. got thru guard went thru the gate. black screen im like OK maybe takes a while. got sound,no pic. could open quick save etc but thats it. then game crashed no big deal. then I discovered issues.


it disabled all other mods, then it crashed my $12,000 rig ,then after reboot, it crashed again.back to desktop turned off my anti virus. ( btw yes all drivers etc etc up to date ) then I open mod manager everything is there try open skyrim again nothing. then I look it totally uninstalled skyrim special edition from steam and all saves even though nexus says its installed and mods active.but steam shows need to install the game.


Now again let me tell you im no noob been doing this probably longer on here and developers been alive. never have I had anything close to this. crashes with mods are to be expected.but not this.in comparison enderal installed loaded played 200 hours without a problem. and please dont blame drivers or my rig $12,000.its perfect and 1000+ games no issues with mods from fallout,witcher3, etc also same game on xbox flawless with mods.this is no way,shape,form,or regard was ready.I know many are playing it fine but not in my world.too many issues.

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You do know that the SE edition for Bruma has not been released yet? Attempting to load the LE version into SE was doomed from the start without trying to brute force it.

Edited by TeofaTsavo
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You do know that the SE edition for Bruma has not been released yet? Attempting to load the LE version into SE was doomed from the start without trying to brute force it.





to my knowledge and the forums this was fine on special edition

Edited by alexanderlecard
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