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@Aurielius (snip) "In a conflict in which either side is diametrically and antithetically opposed to the other there is little choice but to pick sides and hope you picked the right one. For better or worse the option of which side to pick has long since sailed. Just an old pragmatist's point of view."


Audio vos sermo


אני שומע אתה מדבר


I think you mean Oscula Avena..... :whistling:

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Ihoe, it has been requested that I just go ahead and report you when I find your posts to be obnoxious and/or offensive. But I must ask you why you find it necessary to be so rude to your fellow posters. HeyYou is a serious and intelligent poster. He takes time and thinks before he posts. Why must you call his posts platitudes. When you post in this fashion you do not make yourself sound superior. You do not make the other guy sound inferior. What happens is that people just stop taking you seriously. There was a time when I had some interest in what you had to say, as I believe that we are on the same side of many issues and that you are a reasonably intelligent young man. But until you grow up and learn how to interact with others, I cannot even listen to you. Take a lesson from your friend Corlan and tone it down some.


Aside to the monitors, I know this was not my place, and I apologize in advance.....:confused:




There, my whole point was as a foreigner I have no Idea how certain words, certain manners and some other behaviors can be Offensive to others, I apologize in advance to HeyYou, but i Really needed someone to Mention what you just wrote (the whole post) to clarify my rude (which i didn't believe it was) writing to Clarify what I wanted to point out regarding to a section of HeyYou's post. :teehee:


It seems that we can't turn around without annoying someone there.


To reiterate, i acted an action which did not believe would be wrong, but it could be to others, that's why foreigners really Can't turn around without annoying someone native. I mean, like, one shouldn't really be annoyed by annoyance.


I'm being too candor, forgive my slightly Abnormal way of making Clairvoyance.

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I assume everything is ok here? Have we all clarified somewhat? Ihoe I know English is not your mother tongue but please try to be aware that sometimes we may misinterpret what you write but we will always get sorted out what is initially lost in translation.~Lisnpuppy
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A. Their bubble is going to burst as their yuan is falsely evaluated, iirc. Who knows when. China's a big place with a lot of people that they can silence and kill off as they see fit and hardly dent their numbers. They could take a right hook the size of Denmark and hardly stumble, numbers-wise.

B. Since the US is very often in the pocket of the Israelies, for various reasons and to varying levels that are difficult to get into without being called a Conspiracy Theorist or Anti-Semitic (that's a hefty spell, I tells ya), I can't imagine/find it hard to imagine that the Jews/Israelis are going to sit around and let Iran grow and grow. Sometime, I would think that Iran is going to have to put a wrong foot, or a wrong foot is going to be put for them, and the Grand Charade will go on. As I understand the world theater, it would have to, unless something big changes. I mean, why would you overthrow a government and install a religious fanatic if you didn't want to invade it in the future to begin with?

C. Very curious about Greece since I live in Italy, where the situation is much the same...only here the Black Magicians and Mafia are much better at BS-ing, stealing, and making it look like things are better than their Greek counterparts.

D. MB is right, but I would add this: Syria's old news, and by that I mean that it's business as usual in that place. Syria has a veneer of civilization on it. That's all, so what's happening there, and how little we do about it and hear about it (since we're the ones who put on that veneer, for whatever reasons), shouldn't come as a surprise.

E. I don't follow local news. Over 90 percent of Italy's media is owned by a man/ex-Prime Minister who's been guilty of being associated with the mafia for the last forty years.

This. You are completely right about Iran imo.


I am seriously tired of all the crap that gets said when anyone even mentions Israel.

Edited by marharth
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A huge failing of the west has been to judge everyone else by a very narrow and prejudiced standard. I noted the comment on Sharia law. The west is generally appalled by the thoughts of some practise (law, religion, whatever) being in place that isn't exactly what they feel is appropriate or familiar to them, but then on the other hand have generally accepted that religious fanaticism in their own country must be protected as a right. Really, one man's beliefs are another man's source of amusement or horror. Not much one can do about it.

No, much of the West is appalled by the lack of personal freedoms and, as the West sees it, basic human rights in this argument. It's not because Sharia law is "different'. Protected religious fanaticism in the US does not allow for the transgression of law, human rights, etc.

and what's wrong with Obie apologizing to a group of Somebodys? pulling out of the MedE (or whatever) really shouldn't mean that the Almighty Gov of the US of A wouldn't have to... errr... Apologize later, should it? Just a bit of clarification, the punishment of the Certain act of "Desecrating the Qur'an" or "Insulting Mohammad" is pretty much inscrutable to the "non-Muslim" but is extremely fastidious to a "Muslim". Kinda like Going somewhere, looting and pillaging everything and showing "the Finger" to the survivors. that's how a group of Somebodys might feel when the above mentioned acts are done. I'm not sure how to construe what i just wrote further.

Obama doesn't need to apologize to anyone for the perceived "wrongness" of any such action. If he does (or has, I don't follow this stuff), then it had better follow the lines of, "Sorry your feelings are hurt, but we protect freedom of expression" or some such phrasing.


I love books. I love information, and I love the actual physical object of the book itself.


That said, people should be free to burn as many Korans as they want. Bibles, too, for that matter, or any other book. I'm sick of America and Americans bowing down in their own country because someone has their feelings hurt. Examples: attacks on Halloween. Tough ***. Grow up and realize that's what freedom is all about. In the US, someone's ability to practice any religion or belief system is guaranteed by the same spirit that guarantees that book burning. Certain people in the world don't get that. OK, that's their loss.


All of this namby-pamby pansy nonsense deflowers the garden of personal liberty. Being able to be offensive is incredibly important. I'm not saying go and do it, but people can get too full of themselves when they live within close-in walls. They become weak, and the slightest sneeze has the force of a hurricane.


Have I ever told you guys the tale of my friend who, while visiting Saudi Arabia with his father, got arrested in the market place and risked getting his head chopped off?


His crime?


His hair was so long it was touching his shoulders.


For some reason, all of this talk of the Middle East is making me think of Europe around the 12th century, and what was perceived as the danger of Moorish Spain...http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/turned.gif

Edited by WizardOfAtlantis
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and what's wrong with Obie apologizing to a group of Somebodys? pulling out of the MedE (or whatever) really shouldn't mean that the Almighty Gov of the US of A wouldn't have to... errr... Apologize later, should it? Just a bit of clarification, the punishment of the Certain act of "Desecrating the Qur'an" or "Insulting Mohammad" is pretty much inscrutable to the "non-Muslim" but is extremely fastidious to a "Muslim". Kinda like Going somewhere, looting and pillaging everything and showing "the Finger" to the survivors. that's how a group of Somebodys might feel when the above mentioned acts are done. I'm not sure how to construe what i just wrote further.

Obama doesn't need to apologize to anyone for the perceived "wrongness" of any such action. If he does (or has, I don't follow this stuff), then it had better follow the lines of, "Sorry your feelings are hurt, but we protect freedom of expression" or some such phrasing.


I love books. I love information, and I love the actual physical object of the book itself.


That said, people should be free to burn as many Korans as they want. Bibles, too, for that matter, or any other book. I'm sick of America and Americans bowing down in their own country because someone has their feelings hurt. Examples: attacks on Halloween. Tough ***. Grow up and realize that's what freedom is all about. In the US, someone's ability to practice any religion or belief system is guaranteed by the same spirit that guarantees that book burning. Certain people in the world don't get that. OK, that's their loss.






The problem with the Qur'an burning is that is was done on a American Base in Afghanistan, if I read the articles correctly. I may agree with you if it was in say, Nebraska....but when you are in someone else's country I would say that their actions were more than bad taste and warranted an apology from the President.

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One thing: if you're a foreigner, how would you even know the massive variety of complex nouns and adjectives you just used?


Don't say you're a believer in the cult of middle-eastern-terrorist-bad accent-suicidal moron phenomena. Actually, i was fluent in Dutch and English by age ten, not that I am bragging like a French snob or anything, neither do I want to sound like one.


What I meant in my previous posts, was that idle chatter in my native language translated to the other may be offensive/ obnoxious to a certain somebody. And I acted like that on purpose to prove my point.

Edited by Ihoe
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Don't say you're a believer in the cult of middle-eastern-terrorist-bad accent-suicidal moron phenomena. Actually, i was fluent in Dutch and English by age ten, not that I am bragging like a French snob or anything, neither do I want to sound like one.

Rotfl...it's just that some of our native anglophones can't write English, so multi linguals take them off guard. Une langue est presque trop grande pour eux.

Edited by Aurielius
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