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[LE] SM script events

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Can someone explain me how script events are working and how the quest with the questscript is properly setup?


Are there tutorials that cover this matter? I've found only the explanations on creationkit.com but that doesn't tell me how it is used with a quest. I already looked ad quests in the ck that are handled with script events but I can't grasp how it really works.

Thanks for your help. Greetings, Tasheni

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The quest must not be running or start game enabled, the Story Manager start them when required, else it will fail.


For tutorials I think the wiki it cover it pretty well, all my info come from there(?). Like which Story Manager Node fire which Scripted Events, so I don't what to say.


Example of Player Level Up SM, which I abuse badly to check my Followers Leveled Spells. Remove some, add other, once every ten levels.


When it fires, it trigger a codes on the:

Event OnStoryIncreaseLevel(int aiNewLevel)

once it's completed it maintenance run, the quest stops, so it will fire on the next Level Up Event. Saves me having polling Script Updating every 30 sec or so, or on Game Hour or Days updates. It has Condition to give ceiling to stop firing.


Which event are trying to use? To be honest I would have go back to wiki to check which Event fire the with individual SM Nodes. To be of any serious help., Just to sure my info correct.


( I did take look )




there heaps of OnStory>>>> Events & Others, just match them up with Nodes. Trial & Error is how I got it all working.

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Hello PeterMartyr,

thanks for your reply. I know this page from the wiki but it covers events and not how I setup a quest started through a script event and the story manager. I know how to use the sm with change location events and actor dialogue events and hello events. But script events are different. It starts with the alias: should I use specific reference or unique actor or find matching reference?

If I want to make a simple quest that starts, when player gets in a certain cell, than a scene should start, where two actors are interacting with another with dialogue and packages. I guess i would make a quest script with the Event OnCellLoad. Is that all I need to do in the quest and just attach it to sm node script event and it runs? I've read something about keywords as a condition but the wiki scratches only the surface and I don't understand that.

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Its easier to look at how its done than to explain. In my Pirates of the North mod you will find SM triggered change location event quests and in my Hunters world revisited mod you will find SM triggered Script event quests.

If you have a look in the CK you can see the quest alias's required and what is needed in the SM event node. And yes the latter requires a keyword.


There are no adequate tutorials, keep meaning to write one.

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Script events are started by using one of these functions in the keyword script.






Using a script event doesn't affect how you set up the aliases unless you want to use the From event data option on the alias.


My mod Contraband uses script events to pass the last corpse that the player activated into an alias, as well as to detect the nearest boss chest in an area when the player activates the silent barter bags.



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Sorry I don't log on more often. But when I came back check the thread, I figure you had your quest covered so let me rambled about this Node instead.


WICommentaryNode, & since your mod is a Follower. I also have Custom Unique Voice Follower, so though you can't duplicate the appropriate Node, you can copy it. Then duplicate 3 WICommentary Quests create the appropriate dialogue scenes, then add WIFollowerCommentFaction to the Active Is Following ATM Alias, she soon be warning of "danger ahead", "look a cave" & "wow what a view". May need some trial & error, but it does work for custom unique voiced followers. Remember to point your newly copied Node to your Quests.


Good luck & looking forward to your downloading your mod.




I am assuming, that like me you have a custom scripted follower system, else just ignore some of my ramblings. With the vanilla system they are already in the Correct Faction. You will find Node in "Scripted Event"




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