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Looking for idle animations (.kf files)


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no prob :)


but i noticed that the link takes you to the front page of the site :/

you have to go to the little link down at the bottom that says "march 2008" then go to page 7 the last picture on there called "1-2h idle" is the one you need to go into. once you are in that page, right click the thing that says "1-2h idle set 20080229 jpg --> zip", save it as, then save as [whatever].zip (i forgot that one was a .zip file, not .7z :/ )


that should work. remember that the little ".jpg --> .zip" is just a guide to what it needs to be renamed as, left is starting, right is what it should be named :)


have fun!

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This is amazing that everyone is so helpful and kind and that the file is safe after all. Foremost thanks to evilkoal also thanks to Skotte, worm, LHammonds, and buddah. I cannot use said file yet but as soon as I get off mobile web and onto desktop I think there will be many more kudos going around.


Edit: Yep, got the file without a hitch. Thanks buddah! :thumbsup:

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Thanks Skotte but I know this already. My only question is about darnui plain. I can't get my settings to save when I change them in game and even tried saving the ini file in console because my game always ctd on exit.


I also take back what I said before about the inv icons & text being too small. I installed everything and its all perfect. It makes the game interface so much sleeker and less cartoon-like. It even kind of reminds of MW in a way being that compact. It really is awesome.

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