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Question about using a friends computer


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So, it's been awhile since I've posted anything and thats bc my cat decided it was a good idea to dump a cup of water onto my laptop. My laptop is still broken so i decided to use a friends computer to access my account. Is this allowed or do i have to purchase a new computer first? And when i do purchase a new computer, will my friend be able to make an account if they wanted to?

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Our rules state that "one account per person" is allowed. Obviously, it is not linked in any way to a single computer. It means you can have a single account on the Nexus and you can use it from any computer you have access to. You can also use your friend's computer, provided that you make sure you do not save your password in his browser and you log out after each use. It is account sharing that we do not permit.

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Of course. You can even use an Internet café (as long as you don't leave the files on the computer).

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a. The OP didn't say the friend had an account here, simply asked if could access the Nexus from another computer. (I routinely use four different devices myself.)


b. Unless we have a specific reason, (i.e. misbehavior originating from a certain account/IP) we're not going to make a big effort to investigate the source of posts or destinations of downloads.

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And it would be accounts CREATED from the same IP that could be problematic. Not necessarily just the use of a computer located in a different location. And as Thandal said unless there is reason to check the account and things generated on an account/IP we would not be monitor every IP.


If there are multiple accounts in the same household and the person informs the staff of this we typically are alright with this. For example both my husband and myself have an account here. He does not know my account info and I do not know his. We have separate computers (though that is not an issue necessarily). I informed the staff of this when he made his account. However if either of us screws up we could both be banned from the site.

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