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You know what i like?


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Not going to mention any names, but I know somebody that's sure to enjoy some American beef far better than any Canadian bacon she's had..... :whistling:

And she's sure to say "*I Like* it." ...heh....

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:D Why ask why?



Anyway, yesterday, my husband took our friends 13 year old crabbing on the boat, so my sister and her husband rode up on their bikes, and we went for cycle ride through the country and back to their house. I love that.


When we got to her house I ate some of her "slamming cookies" -- she's a caterer need I say more? I like that.


I just weighed myself, and I'm up a pound. -dammit. can't say I like that!


6 days until a special 30 year reunion. 7 lbs on my wish list to go. It may be only veggies and water for the next few days! I don't really have to be my high school weight, but I would like that!

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I like a woman who doesn't obsess about her weight (my fiancee weighs around 158, and I happen to find her delightfully cuddly). :biggrin:


What's the big trip with hoping to impress people at a HS class reunion? Most of the bozos I went to HS with, I don't really care if I ever see again.

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I like a woman who doesn't obsess about her weight (my fiancee weighs around 158, and I happen to find her delightfully cuddly). :biggrin:


What's the big trip with hoping to impress people at a HS class reunion? Most of the bozos I went to HS with, I don't really care if I ever see again.


Actually this is a small private reunion, a 10-br house on the river has been rented, and my husband and I arriving by boat, not the crab boat, but our Cris Craft. And I don't often obsess about my weight but I'm 45 years old and a still a bit vein, I admit. And I've gained a few pounds in the last couple of years and I want it off anyway.


On another note here's me with my bike, I tried to find a better one of me actually riding it but i couldn't! And by the way that is a FUGLY pic of me, no makeup and heavy, but I love my bike.


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