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What if its a leap year! no...wait.... Im just not going to get that invite, am i? I like it that hb's wedding will not cater to riff raff. *sniffs*

Well, seeing as how the ceremony is being held in a small chapel on-post that is primarily a quonset-hut, and the reception afterward is at the post club across the street (formerly the NCO club) where my guests will be treated to chicken-wings and beer, I'd actually say the wedding is very much catering to riff-raff.


Mostly, it's catering to a Corporal, who's spending most of his money just getting his fiancee across the Pacific Ocean to get married.


You're welcome to attend, Chesto (dancing bear and all) as long as you can pay your own way to Korea.

And if you're that wealthy, maybe you could bring some side-dishes? Chicken-wings all by themselves are a bit... um... pedestrian...

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What if its a leap year! no...wait.... Im just not going to get that invite, am i? I like it that hb's wedding will not cater to riff raff. *sniffs*

Well, seeing as how the ceremony is being held in a small chapel on-post that is primarily a quonset-hut, and the reception afterward is at the post club across the street (formerly the NCO club) where my guests will be treated to chicken-wings and beer, I'd actually say the wedding is very much catering to riff-raff.


Mostly, it's catering to a Corporal, who's spending most of his money just getting his fiancee across the Pacific Ocean to get married.


You're welcome to attend, Chesto (dancing bear and all) as long as you can pay your own way to Korea.

And if you're that wealthy, maybe you could bring some side-dishes? Chicken-wings all by themselves are a bit... um... pedestrian...



Korea is a beautiful place, so, besides the obvious, what happens after the wedding, what are the romantic plans?

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Korea is a beautiful place, so, besides the obvious, what happens after the wedding, what are the romantic plans?

Some sightseeing in/around Seoul, and since Teri's an artist/art-educator by trade (main focus: ceramics), there's an enclave sponsored by the National Gallery in Changdong (just 10 stops down the line from my base) that she's applied for a residency at... planning on taking her there to visit to get some face-time with the directors and staff. With any luck, it will improve her chances of getting accepted for the residency.


Regardless, she'll be here until 09 JAN, and we plan on celebrating New Year's in downtown Seoul. :biggrin:

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Korea is a beautiful place, so, besides the obvious, what happens after the wedding, what are the romantic plans?

Some sightseeing in/around Seoul, and since Teri's an artist/art-educator by trade (main focus: ceramics), there's an enclave sponsored by the National Gallery in Changdong (just 10 stops down the line from my base) that she's applied for a residency at... planning on taking her there to visit to get some face-time with the directors and staff. With any luck, it will improve her chances of getting accepted for the residency.


Regardless, she'll be here until 09 JAN, and we plan on celebrating New Year's in downtown Seoul. :biggrin:



Aww. that sounds like so much fun! I'll definitely think of you both on NYE. We are a very romantic couple, and New Years is always an opportunity for fun and romance. Even if we just dress up and stay home, which is what I think we'll do this year.

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Aww. that sounds like so much fun! I'll definitely think of you both on NYE. We are a very romantic couple, and New Years is always an opportunity for fun and romance. Even if we just dress up and stay home, which is what I think we'll do this year.

hmmm.... New Year's Eve...




(Okay people, threadjack's over, move along... nothing to see, here...)

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