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i like that for christmas my girl friend, Kate Joeseph, s2, is getting me a BCNTBSTBO BC Rich NT Series Beast Bass Guitar



ooh that Bass is beastly looking hehe


Edward Cullen

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Q: What does it mean when the bass-player is drooling out of both corners of his mouth?


A: It means the stage is level.




I've got more bass-player jokes, but this is a family site, and I won't delve into bassist humor, here...


I like bad puns.


Off-topic: BC Rich produces some decent instruments (audio-quality-wise), but they cater to the metal musician in their body stylings. For a REALLY good bass, Fender or Rickenbacker are the way to go.

Used to own a Fender Jazz Precision Fretless... still miss that guitar, but it went to a good home.

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I like to know,why guitars are referred to as an axe?



Q: What does it mean when the bass-player is drooling out of both corners of his mouth?


A: It means the stage is level.




I've got more bass-player jokes, but this is a family site, and I won't delve into bassist humor, here...


I like bad puns.


Off-topic: BC Rich produces some decent instruments (audio-quality-wise), but they cater to the metal musician in their body stylings. For a REALLY good bass, Fender or Rickenbacker are the way to go.

Used to own a Fender Jazz Precision Fretless... still miss that guitar, but it went to a good home.



I like that joke


Why are guitars reffered to as axes? Because we bash them over the heads of people who make jokes like that! And, how do you get a Fender Jazz Presicion? It's either a Precision or a Jazz. And Rickies are ok, they sound good but really are quite ugly (in my opinion).


I like what I'm getting for christmas (I'm paying half)http://www.crafterguitars.com/gallery_acoustic/ba_400eqfl_n.php

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