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You know what i like?


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I like the the idea that our country has gotten past racial boundries to elect a black president, I like most of his ideas too.

I like the idea we are going from condolezza to hillary.


And about 15-20 posts back someone stated the i hate thread is gone, which is sweet cause it tells me you are all not haters but likers. I hate haters, but i like the fact someone noticed that.


And i like the new things going on around here and i appreciate most definitly the choices of moderators the dark one has chosen since last i was here, specially the idea of Alien Slof and Bben46. Props to buddah, for sticking around to as he is a wise " young man ". I forget the one moderator also that was around when i first got on here, he was normally on when buddah was. If he is still around too props!


( big fat edit: Lhammonds Doh! how could i forget! )

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I like that someone is having a decent relationship.



...heh.....on behalf of Carah and I, we thank you.

*I Like* being in a decent relationship with a babe and woo hoo she is one.


ooh low blow hit there moz hehe


and wasder quite a few people are having a decent relationships deadsnake is one of them and so is moz and carah


Edward Cullen

I change. I like that many people are in relationships. Inclding me now! WOOT! Merry Christmas!

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*I like* when people can make a comment that proves an earlier statement.

*I like* when people say something that totally contradicts something else they've said.

*I like* the laugh I get from people that are so egotistical and self-centered, they'll think this is about them.

*I like* that song Carly Simon did....

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Bo-ring, bo-ring, bo-ring... I want to go home... or to kill someone. I like that good people are safe from getting on my bad side now.


*I Like* the thought of going home with you since you are a good person.

*I Like* that Carah won't read this and fuss at me for saying that.

*I Like* really, really believing that.....heh....

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