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You know what i like?


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I like reading the posts here...they make me laugh

I like that my Babae Chesto, talks about sex in a form other than personal contact,though I love sex and in personal contact myself.

I like that toan and tyriel, are battleing for supremesy and that I started it...ha ha!!!( please be gentle you two, I'm only playing)

I like that Mos has a sense of humor...warped to be sure but has one none the less!

I like that I'm going back to bed...nite,or morning, depending on where your at.

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i liike that blasters hurt more then the virboblade..toan you been warned haha


i like that Dezi started the fight haha


Carth Onasi

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*cough* creepy old man *cough*

I like extremely thinly veiled insu-I mean coughs.

Yes. Thinly veiled coughs.


I like to say that I have had enough of your petty insults, Toan. :verymad:

I like to say consider yourself blocked, but I know it doesn't matter to you, but I don't fekking care.

I like to think I'm a lady, and I am well mannered, but if we were face to face I do have some choice words for you.


I thought long and hard about this post, well not to long..since me arse is already in a sling I have nothign to lose.and said what the feck,...for hopefully me friends will know me heart is in the right place, as I do some fencing here...Corkian style..


I like that Chesto gets his wish and I am back, if but for a moment, but he's not going to like why..I might not be posting as I did some reestablishing my self within...

1.I like that I am who I am a hot headed red haired Irish woman who is quick to anger, and has to get use to the fact I will open my mouth. their will always be people who will not know what I am on about.

2. I like that I have to be who I am a Corking Rebel who's mouth will always somehow in some way get them in trouble..though I may be quick to anger, am quicker to forgive amidst freionds..for despite anything I do or say, me hearts always in the right place even when me mouth is not.and we'll leave 3 alone for now..


I like I have a list of friends, and I keep notifications on to have their 6 if any said friend amoungst them might need backin..


I like that I could care less how this is taken at this point in time, except by said friends..who I am more apt to get angry for..

I like that its rather amusing watching someone yelling...' I am sorry' ,at the back of a deaf person(blocked) its rather amusing picture..


What is not, that toan goes on a few post later talk about calling the kettle black..for toan does not couch 'cough veiled insults with sarcasm'..but out and out call them veiled insults..the cough as I see it is just a smoke screen...which as I see it too, is not a joke..I feel meaning, for repeat offences tell me different.. that toan hurt one of the most sexiest, kindness gals on this forum, and me dear Mos all at the same time..doth piss me offeth..

Say something once it can be a joke, when reapeated agian and agian, like a broken record.. it long lost its 'humour'...and is no longer a velied hidden joke.....how one says things may be ambiguous: that can be taken more ways then one, and thus subject to misinterpretation..and thus might have to pay the piper, for such words....I have paid many a piper in my days..

Eh like I feel if others can make jokes about me accent of wordin' things..your free game toan..


Even suggesting that if Carah has a heart, she'd what forget what you said..and not have a right to get angry, oh its becasue she has a heart she got angry.. Where is thy heart, when someone says stop it they mean it, so I don't want to see, toans specific veiled insults against Mos anymore either..for I too, have bothered by them as they kept being put in almost every other post..so now that said freind is hurt and angry, then the Irish lass is out like it or not..and the ould block it is..


I like to think I am not the lady Carah is, and if you don't mind Carah I'll say what you restrained yourself from saying.. toan if you don't go take some feckin' fencing lessons...I will shove yer teeth so far down your throat, you'll have to stick your tooth brush up your arse to clean 'em..


What Aeryn said was, not a threat, but fencing..la.

People who do not fence but pull out pointy bloody blades, usually stab themselves in the foot..My advice.taking some fencing lessons before you get your clock cleaned by someone who'll take off the kid gloves..intead of what I am doing putting said repeat offender in place..albeit in my colourful Irish way..and hopefully lesson learned, about said foot before its chewed it right off..by toan himself..like..


Bloodsport enough for you Dez ;)


Bloody 'ell I may just press the post button from the frying pan into the fire..Oh well..


PS..I forgot one more thing answer to your Q toan..Boudica was a priestess of the Goddess Andrasta who the goddess of victory, Boudica was a Druidess as well as a Queen, she led many a battle, many a victory, against the invading Roman empire and was greatly feared..The Sig of mine that is Welsh was her war cry when she went into battle.. for it where she originally hailed from.. Y gwir erbyn y bydd (the truth against the world)

Be afraifd of Her be very afraid..worst then the fell hound..

Edited by Aeryn333
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I like finding out about things before anybody else, sometimes.

I've got a "surprise" inspection coming up in my barracks, tomorrow morning at 09:00, and I'll be offline for a while until I'm done cleaning.

Ounce of prevention = pound of cure, and all such.


Until tomorrow, take care, all!

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Bloodsport enough for you Dez

You said what you needed to say,and is true that sometimes things must be said.

I like that Aeryn says what she feels, to hide your feelings is to deny who you are,and to be in touch with them means you express them openly.

I like that I can be me,and that no one here so far has judged me except as me.

I like that 'fencing' can be done correctly and sorry Toan, I like and accept you,but you have pushed it some IMO too!

I like my coffee, and its time for a second cup!

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Bloodsport enough for you Dez

You said what you needed to say,and is true that sometimes things must be said.

I like that Aeryn says what she feels, to hide your feelings is to deny who you are,and to be in touch with them means you express them openly.

I like that I can be me,and that no one here so far has judged me except as me.

I like that 'fencing' can be done correctly and sorry Toan, I like and accept you,but you have pushed it some IMO too!

I like my coffee, and its time for a second cup!



I like that Dez understood me, as long as Dezi does, and me freinds I don't care..

I like that you like that I express meself, even when I do trip over meself at times..for Dez is rigth to be in touch with ones feelings is good, but to tread carefully even wiser..

I like that Dezi is Dezi..

I like that one but ask a freind a favour and without hestitation they just do it with love..;)

I also like that I am me, and if perchance I am judged, it has no reflection on me..

I like after doing some recentreing and looking at meself that what i discoved is that I am good soul, with a big heart and big Irish mouth, and that will never change..and that's OK..

I like that I realised that, when disagreements, approuches a place I am wounded in, that might trigger me, to walk away..for I am not dealing with the locals, here at home, who fence everyday for craic...but those who may know nothing about the art of fencing, and pull out pointy objects instead..


I like that some people minds are so one tracked when it comes to sex, that everything else just goes right by..;)


I like it, if I could get some nice Irish coffee for Dez you'd like it, of course it might grow hair on your chest as they say here, but you'd like it..:)

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i like that Aeryn is going to give me irish coffee haha


Carth Onasi



I like that tyreil thinks I am going to give him Irish coffee..I will yeh!!!!!!

Before tyreil gets all excited, tyreil might want to go back and click my Corkian slang link...

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