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Better Skooma and Alcohol


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I don't know why but it seems like not many cares about Skooma and Alcohol in Skyrim. With survival mods some of them are finally being used, but I wonder if they can be useful (but not necessarily essential) in a normal run?


Both should get to be addictive. I mean, obviously right? When you consume them, there is a chance for you to get addicted, which means you get some negative affects unless you take them again. Many mods already tried to do things on this, but for some reason I don't really feel satisfied with them. Therefore I'll get into them here.

So here are my suggestions:




1. Skooma: for Mages actually

Benefit upon consumption:

- Immune to stagger (You're high to ignore some damage, but actually you just ignore the feeling of pain)

- Speech buff (I don't know much about the numbers of the system so I guess I can only say it to be relatively high, enough to pass some Medium-tier persuade attempts)

- Magic damage buff (only slightly)

- Magic casting speed buff (only slightly)

- +50 maximum Magicka

All that lasts about 300 seconds


After debuffs:

- 0 regen (health/magicka/stamina)

- Reduce Magicka to 0

- Can no longer run (similar to legs cripple)

All that lasts about 150 seconds



- Reduced all regeneration by 25%

- 10% more sprinting speed

- Buffed pickpocket slightly

- Takes 10% more damage from all melee

- Small bounty everywhere (being hated)


2. Alcohol

Benefit upon consumption:

- +25% frost resistance

- Slightly buff Speech

- Melee damage buff (slightly)

- Melee attack speed buff (slightly)

- +50 max Stamina

All that lasts about 300 seconds



- 0 regen (health/magicka/stamina)

- Reduce Stamina to 0

- Can no longer use melee attacks (similar to being tied at the beginning of the game)

All that lasts about 150 seconds



- Reduced all regeneration by 25%

- Take 10% more damage from all magic

- +10% speech

- Randomly trip and fall

- -20% movement speed





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I'm not bashing the idea or anything but, why does everyone think Alcohol makes you better at speech? if anything it should reduce it slightly for every drink you have. because when you have a few pints your going to be tripp'in on your own feet, and slurring your speech someth'in fierce. until you're just speak'in nonsense and incomprehensible words dribble out of your mouth because your drunk off your ass. i don't call that improved speech. :/

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Yeah, the speech bonuses puzzled me as well. Mechanically I guess it incentivizes using skooma and alcohol outside of combat. But perhaps more importantly it's consistent with Norse beliefs about alcohol, and the game is heavily inspired by dark age Norse beliefs. For example berzerkers would drink mead until they vomitted and then immediately after vomitting improvise lines of poetry as fast as possible, believing poetry composed in this fashion to be inspired by Odin.
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Alcohol's effects on loquaciousness are well-known. One or two drinks make most people much more relaxed and sociable, hence the speech bonus. You'd need more than that to start acting stupid or slurring speech.

It would be great to have a little be a help but a lot be a hindrance and more likely to cause addiction.

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Alcohol's effects on loquaciousness are well-known. One or two drinks make most people much more relaxed and sociable, hence the speech bonus. You'd need more than that to start acting stupid or slurring speech.


It would be great to have a little be a help but a lot be a hindrance and more likely to cause addiction.


Yeah, yeah that would be a preferable alternative.

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