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Mirelurks and kings


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Hi all,


So question for ya's. Would you or wouldn't you like to see Mirelurk kings spawn alongside regular mirelurks?


Chasing feedback for my mod.

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Well.... good question. In my opinion Mirelurk Kings are a bit under used. They look really cool and are not that hard. I would say at a rate of 1/5 its totally fine. And i would also add some hunters at a 1/8 rate or something like that.

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an excellent question for an awesome project, WotC v2,0 I assume?


the answer resoundingly from locals at LAN club is,

"it depends" -

will Mirelurks be a random chance encounter only near 'aquatic nodes',

or anywhere?

"it's immersion breaking if I'm on Abernathy Farm or in a bunker,

and nowhere near water,

and the mirelurks are somehow there." was a key piece of feedback


and for Mirelurk Kings (to FONV players 'regular mirelurks')/"swamp-people"

will they be found near sewers as well as aquatic regions?

Natick and that lake, and near The Slog would be prime places for that

or, parts of the UnderBoston near Quincy and University Point Restored.


survival mode variant of War of the Commonwealth,

I think that should be optional,

as it will already be very punishing potentially,

would having Mirelurk kings popup make it too difficult?

even with the whk22 50cal chaingun in survival mode,

a regular, non-legendary mirelurk king around level 60 is a very challenging threat hehe.

its the limb-breaking and poisoning, as well as 'dazed' which makes them tricky.



so, I think that's overall a "Yes please".

a lot of folks would like to see entirely new standalone critters and enemies,

but that's a little more ambitious for an already ambitious and awesome redo

of War of the Commonwealth v2,0.

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The limit I am passing is 4 variants of actors at present, might up it to 5. I would go with a 1/5 rate on both, which gives 40% chance to see either one
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@Montky- yes Lurks will only be present by water, and they will stay by the water and guard their 'point'. They will also swim after you :)
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