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Whats your most anticipated mod?


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Manshooter is working on "Total Realism Overhaul". If all that stuff mentioned in that one can be done, or even most of it, it would be an overhaul indeed.


Or, a way to make custom spells. I do love the spells I design and get to name!


Or, targeted combat. Let me take out someone's sword arm them watch them try to fight with the other arm - there are left handed people in the world, after all! Or take out a leg in a quick slashing attack, leave them crawling. Then a stealth character could move on to the treasure rather than having to hack and retreat when you don't wear a tin suit.

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I would love to see some mods like:

  • Willow, Viconia, or Vilja - from FNV & Oblivion
  • Underground hideout - From FNV but less techy and more lore friendly
  • Auto Sorting Alchemy containers - Like FNV, F3 & Oblivion.
  • Auto Sorting Weapon racks - Like FNV
  • A mod to sort and stack ingots.. I'd love to have a room with a wall of neatly stacked gold bars! Yeah!


I have to wonder if the current tool set doesn't really allow for those types of mods since no one has come out with one yet.

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check the time passed between when the appropriate games CK came out and when the mod was released. then consider. When the latest CK came out.


Yes, all of the above things can be implemented in Skyrim :D someone just has to do the scripting legwork. the Captain sharphook mod (good quest mod) had some nice pretty big stacks of gold ingots. It really was pretty cool looking. Being able to have a script stack one for you could be nice.

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Thanks for the reply SinderionBones,


I was really curious about that. What I really loved about FNV in particular was the weapons room in the Underground Hideout mod. It really appealed to the prepper/hoarder in me to have a room with racks of ammo and weapons I'd collected out on display. So I've been keeping my eyes open for a mod that does that in Skyrim. I imagine a room with display cases that auto sort your gems & jewelery. Walls of sorted weapons and stacks of gold coins.


Wow, had a Scrooge McDuck moment there.. hehe

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