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well i dont think this forum is for bethesda. then why are we banned for buying illegal copies?


its seriously ridiculous



Let us put any morality aside about stealing for a second and focus on what you just said. Firstly even if they buy a dodgy copy from some guy at the pub, they are still breaking the law, if it was a physical item it would be called "Handling stolen goods" Then the main part Illegal, now why would they allow illegal stuff on the site and risk the site itself?


Anyway back to the morality side, its stealing and is wrong and the site and most modders/mod users support games companies that spend 2-3 years of there time (and trusts me games devs put in LONG hours) to create a game, then also give us some pretty handy mod tools for there game by not stealing there hard work.

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Let's see if I can make this a little more clear

1. Piracy is against OUR rules no matter what YOU think about it.

2. We ban people for breaking OUR rules.

3. Because we ban people for breaking OUR rules, AND piracy is breaking our rules - We ban for it. :thumbsup:

It is also against OUR rules to debate or question OUR rules in public. (Hint)


Topic closed to prevent someone from getting banned for attempting to debate our rules in public.


Bben46, Moderator

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