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Unstable oblivion

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Piranhabunny, since your hardware is very good to play anything on today gaming scene I can suggest only you verifying its stability with other demanding games or even graphical software. The only thing I can't see the specs, and sadly is where most problems arises, is at vendors using less than adequate PSUs (Power Supply Units). And is ironic this issue being more common on high end (and expensive) hardware, as they are more power hungry. If is a problem related not only to oblivion, so I think that is the thing to look at first.


Edit: It's a sad thing too, seeing the industry of PSUs adopting a position similar to the audio one, where the RMS (the real one, able to maintain the flow at constant rate) potency being abandoned in favor of more 'bright' specs based on load assumptions.


At the Auto industry would be something like building a wonderful and sportive car and giving it a poor and weak engine.

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I purchased the pc from a friend who also assembled it for me. He assured me that the power supply was adequate, so I am going to take his word for it.


Do any of you have any experience with registry cluttering and the stability of oblivion?


I must admit that I have never experienced oblivion this unstable before, and I am really needing my fantasy fix atm :(


I have a lot of other demanding games, that runs perfectly, so I can't see why this game should be any different.


With regard to my experiments. It seems VERY random when it crashes. I can enter some stores, and others are simply "forbidden" areas for me. As soon as I try to enter them, the game freezes, and I have to push my reset button. Which sucks immensely.


As I have mentioned, I don't have any mods installed, so I was wondering what mods can increase stability.


regards and thank you for your time



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