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regaining original textures and meshes?


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ive have a number of conflicts and erasures of various textures and meshes since i started using mods, and now ive ended up with several character types (all nude women, werewolves, random headless naked bandits) who are partially or totally invisible. ive checked out my meshes and textures, but it seems more like the originals have been deleted, along with the modded ones.


is a master reset of some kind for textures and meshes?

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I have no clue how it works if you only used the CK for modifications but if you replaced the original files by extracting the meshes / textures.bsa and placed the files in a folderstructure (...Skyrim\meshes\...) then you just have to delete those files/folders. Skyrim will use the original archives instead. Edited by ghosu
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