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A talking horse mod


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I always loved that splendid horse, Frost. He's a pretty bastard when, during a battle, he attacks and after 2 seconds run away 10 miles away...and sometimes it's very boring searching for him...but I find him funny and a good traveling companion.

I have the solution for a new horse (not necessarily Frost) which could talk, so it's more funny to hear and more easy to find (you can listen him talking. Because, yeah, I wish him talking randomly, just as a companion and more too^^)


The best part is I found a very good example for how his voice should be: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqPsMD0E7dw

If someone can do this mod using some of this quotes, I will love him/her. Really.


Pleeeeeeeeeeeease !!!!!!!! :biggrin:

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