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How convert esp to esm or split it to esm and esp


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I'm not sure to have understood what you want. The thread title says one thing, the post content is not clear at all. The file size has nothing to do with whatever is causing the issue. On the other hand, flagging the ESP as ESM will probably do more harm than help.


Think ESM should not be used to host normal mod features, should not contain sensible issues like cell changing, spawning points, and so on. It is most useful as resource to other mods to share... in fewer words it should do nothing other than providing resources to be used by mods.


Besides, ESMs create dependency and if not carefully planed/done can corrupt savegames and others nasty stuff.


Now, to try and help about the crash issue you need to provide information beyond the file size. (sorry I can't figure what is ca. in the post, maybe because I'm not English native speaker).

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Well, then I believe is whatever you put in the mod, which causes that increase in the file length is the guilt for the crash, not the length itself... or so I think.


Use this hint to find out what is really causing the issue.

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