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Possible mod idea.


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I'm not the biggest fan of Fallout but the weapon crafting system in Fallout 4 was great, and i was wondering if it might be possible to overhaul the crafting system in Skyrim to be more like it. The way i envision it would be having several aspects to make up a weapon, the grip, crossguard, pommel, blade style, and material. All of them would have bonuses towards the making of the weapon. I'm not all that sure how modding actually works, and i just wonder if this is even possible. Has it been attempted before? I'm just really curious.


As another referance point, something similar to the crafting system found in Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, just with more fleshed out customization with blade models, like say a katana blade, and a blade style similar to the fine steel longsword from Oblivion.

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First off, I thought everybody either forgot about KoA:R or never played it, so brownie points to you for referencing that.


Second, the idea sounds nice, but how are you going to integrate it into the game? Are materials going to be even more abundant, can blacksmiths sell parts of one weapon to you(like in KoA:R but with much stronger effects), or will you have to find them scavenging in the frozen wasteland of Skyrim. Either way, that idea could go over well.


I, however am not a modder in any way. Just a passerby and saw your idea.

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There are various mods that make getting materials better, and easier. One of my personal favorites is a crafting overhaul that allows you to break things down to raw materials. Like I said previously, I have little to no clue about modding and I'm very curious if this is even accomplishable.


I would say that the different smithing perks would allow you to craft higher and higher grade parts, instead of the vanilla material tears, but I think adding the parts to loot lists and vendor lists wouldn't be extremely difficult, if you could actually make the smithing available in this way.

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Something like this would require unique models and textures, for each individual part of each individual weapon. Each blade, cross guard, hilt, wrapping. Integration in the lists is easy, you just add the items to the list essentially. The hard part is actually taking the time to make each model, texture it, then do the same with any variation of finished product. Then you have to make sure each possible weapon variant will work properly in the world, with animation and movement. You also have to overhaul the crafting system, removing the current one and integrating the new items, then working out cost of product and ensuring that won't be an issue with Skyrim's current economy or the existing amounts of resources in game. It's a massive undertaking, and probably part of why F4 took so many years to make.


But I like it and want it.

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That's a cool part about it though isn't it? There are tons of modders out there that love to make weapon mods, with a system like this people could easily make different add ons if you will, with their own style of blades, cross guards, the works.


I'm pretty sure the biggest part would be making the system itself, but I've seen people do crazy stuff with Skyrim, hell SkyUI is something that baffles me (even though I hate it's crafting menu.

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That's very true. I'm just curious if it's even possible, as it is something that I want to see in TES 6, but would love to spend the time in skyrim to do it too.


In principle, it's possible, but it'd be a gigantic amount of work. Skyrim's crafting engine isn't set up to do modular work; every individual end object would need to have separate recipes. Take FO4's 10mm pistol as an example; even assuming you restricted things so that you could only assemble stuff from base components (instead of weapon->weapon directly as FO4 allows). The 10mm has 15 receiver options, five barrel options, three grip options, four magazine options, five sight options, and four muzzle options. That results in needing something like 18000 recipes to cover all the possible combinations in construction, plus another 18000 to cover the disassembly, plus 18000 new weapons into the game.


You see the problem. It could be worked around by having fewer things to combine, but even, say, nine blades (iron steel dwarven orcish ebony elven glass daedric dragon), two crossguards, and two hilts gets you to 36 recipes, etc.

Edited by foamyesque
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