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Oblivion Script Extender breaks anti aliasing.


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So, basically, ever since I've installed OBSE, I cannot enable any kind of anti-aliasing. It works, however, if I use the normal Oblivion.exe, and don't load Oblivion via OBSE. This means that I won't be able to run most of my mods (well, mod - Deadly Reflex 6, but I will be downloading more mods over time).

Is there some way to get anti aliasing while running OBSE? I've checked Google, but none of the threads I read helped. D:

Thank you in advance.

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Lanceor ... love it ... you've just GOT to teach me how to do that one ... err, on second thought maybe that's not such a good idea (I'm afraid all my posts would start to look like that).
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I am aware that OBGE breaks anti aliasing - but, like I said, but I don't have it. Don't ask me how this is, but I'm pretty sure that OBSE is causing the problem because whenever I load Oblivion through the OBSE launcher, having any kind of anti-aliasing will make my game unplayable. Running it via the normal Oblivion.exe (or launcher) works.

Oh, and also, the 'very first result' was actually this very topic :P. I rechecked some other results, but they're not really that helpful.

Edited by RampagingMurloc
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You're likely not getting many Google hits because you're in a unique situation. Before my SLI rig died I ran OBSE and AA forced through the NVIDIA control panel without a hitch (unfortunately the spare card I had laying around doesn't have the oomph to run AA and Oblivion). You mention Deadly Reflex, is that the only mod you have loaded (plus all the usual ... is your graphics driver up to date, is the game updated to 1.2.0416, are you running OBSE version 20, are you on the Steam version of the game or disk ...)?


- Edit - I didn't bookmark the page that Lanceor's Google had at the top originally (apparently your topic has gained popularity), but I found this page that was linked in that post bookmark worthy: OBGS and Anti-Aliasing

Edited by Striker879
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@ OP: Have you ever had OBGE or other OBSE plugins installed? The main part of OBGE is a dll so even deactivating and deleting the esp won't stop it from causing graphical changes if the dll isn't removed.


If the OBGE plugin isn't there and the problem only occurs when OBSE is run, then some other mod dependent on OBSE is creating the changes or changing your settings.

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2x is not good enough in my opinion. 4x is the way to go - less AA is still edgy, more is impossible to notice but it slows down the system.


I had some problems with AA in Oblivion after installing the new drivers that are said to do wonders in Skyrim. I had to use nvidiaInspector to add OBSE.exe as an .exe associated with Oblivion profile. I also had to use a different AA compatibility mode (Risen (0x20000245)).

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