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Settler auto equip mod


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While not quite what you are wishing for, there is an easy and flexible alternative to the "settler chest".


Oxhorn came up with a shortcut for equipping his settler:



Look into the video description for the copy/paste stuff. I tried it and it works nicely, It saves me quite a bit of time.


Hope this helps,





Nice. Thanks for the video. I use a mod that will automatically equip settlers. You equip a mannequin with the armor and weapon, then place enough of those items, along with the appropriate ammo and the items are disbursed automatically. You can also create a coin to give to specific settlers so their outfits and weapons are not changed. Unfortunately, the mod was deleted and I have looked for it on-line with no luck. The mod was called "Equip Settlers" Maybe you'll have better luck looking for it than I did. I still have the mod but since the mod author removed it, I do not have authority to distribute the mod, plus, maybe the MA removed it for a reason. Good luck.

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