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Good marriageable male follower mod?


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well , I don't know of many follower mods , and even less on male followers

you can try http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/8429/?

It adds plenty of NPCs , many of them with quests , and I'm pretty sure you can also marry them

other than that , I really do know of very few good male followers , and I'm not sure about marrying them and their reactions

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I haven't played in a while, so I can't vouch for how good/bad the following are, but...given how much of a unicorn good male followers are, I've tracked many of the ones that were released (although there's still not many).

Teldryn Sero. Dragonborn NPC turned romance-able.

Miraak. Dragonborn antagonist turned into a marriage-able companion.

Xanthys. Flaming skeleton. Yup.

Anna NPCs. Three male options of varying sexualities. Annoyingly the Dunmer is elf-only, and the female NPCs aren't optional.

Brhuce Hammar. Ancient Dunmer with a machinery obsession.

Romance Mod and Interesting NPCs, as you're aware/have already been linked to.

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There's not a lot of custom voiced options for marriageable male followers other than what's been already mentioned. There are some mods to improve the dialogues with the male vanilla spouses that help a lot. Relationship Dialogue Overhaul is great for that and Improved Adoptions adds more dialogue between the spouse and child as long as the spouse uses a vanilla voice.

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