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Can I leave and return to Mounhold at will?


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I'm trying to get to Elbert Nermarc so I can buy an infinite and reliable supply of grand soul gems. However, when looking up online how to get to Mournhold, this thread says that I need to do the first leg of the quest where Dark Brotherhood Assassins keep attacking me.


However, if the only way for me to get to Mournhold is via NPC teleportation, and that teleportation is tied to a particular quest, I'm worried that this may only be a one shot deal.


Can I travel back and forth between Mournhold and Vardenfell at will? If so, what NPC do I talk to to travel back to Vardenfell?


In games since then - Oblivion, Fallout 3, Skyrim, and Fallout 4 - this was all fairly self-explanatory. Every expansion that created its own worldspace would also have a fast travel spot where I could fast travel back to the main world.


However, Morrowind doesn't have fast travel.


If there was any other way to get to Mournhold - silt strider, boat, hell, even Mages' Guild teleporter (which I often use to go to Creeper to get optimal trade prices) - then I wouldn't be so worried.

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