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Any Knights of the Nine Requests?


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Was there anything about Knights of the Nine that made you think "Geez, I wish they had fixed that."?


I have a major Knights of the Nine themed quest mod that is in the final stages before alpha testing. While I'm at it, I thought I'd fix some of the annoyances that people have found in the DLC. Here's what's already on my list:


  • Female mesh for the Crusader Cuirass.
  • Crusader Relics can be used with infamy (a quest-related reason will be given).
  • An opportunity to switch to light or heavy crusader relics if the computer made the wrong choice for you the first time around.
  • The Knights of the Nine followers will not die.
  • The Knights will repair their own armour and weapons instead of running around naked.
  • The Knights will have leveled weapons instead of attacking Xilivais with a steel longsword.
  • You can request multiple Knights to follow you.
  • Extra Knights of the Nine shields and cuirasses can be purchased (not the Crusader Relics though).
  • Priory secret door can be reclosed.
  • The prophet will reappear.


If there's anything else about KOTN that you found annoying or incomplete, feel free to let me know here. I can't guarantee that I'll include all your suggestions, but I'll try to add anything that is easy to do and fits in with the mod.


The mod is already a major quest, so no big quest requests needed, but if you have any ideas for tiny mini-quests that require minimal dialogue (fetch X from dungeon Y type stuff), I'm happy to hear it.


Also, I won't be altering the original KOTN quest in any way. Most of it will be about life after the main quest. Looking forward to hearing your suggestions!

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The Eve stock clothing replacer for HGEC actually has a suitable female armor mesh, though it's for the HGEC body only.


I want subtitles, and enhanced volume, for the scene where you meet Pelinal's spirit after going to the wayshrines. I can barely understand his dialog in this scene, the audio is too quiet and there's no subtitles(maybe I need in-game subtitles on, I don't know, but for direct dialog he should have them).


I can agree with making the Knights all essential. I think them dying and being replaced with a generic practically instantly is a bit odd.


I can also live with tweaks to both the weapons and armor to make them "end game quality" items rather than "use it one time" items. And maybe add a bow for marksman characters.


I'd also love to see something to make the Auroran armor properly lootable. I know of very few mods that add it as an extra armor set.


Crusader Relics can be used with infamy (a quest-related reason will be given).


Eh, I'm not wild about this. I think the pilgrim's way to purge infamy was fine. After all, a hardcore member of the Dark Brotherhood probably isn't going to care one way or another about a holy quest and lighter infamy people such as a thief might see cleansing themselves as worthy if it meant saving Tamriel from Umaril. Anyway, you have to go to all 9 wayshrines for the quest regardless so it's not a big deal.


One thing I'd love is some compatibility with Shivering Isles. If you've completed that and become Sheogorath, the prophet and the Nine should be more direct with you, especially given the massive fan theory of who the prophet really is. Or maybe some means to eliminate the pilgrimage totally if you're already the Champion of Cyrodiil, because why would the Nine need to apply this test to their chosen hero? I could see fame forgiveness applying in either case.

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Maybe add a scripted spell that lets you summon a Divine Steed (essentially, a good version of Shadowmere).


And maybe add a bow for marksman characters.

I like this idea. A Crusader's Bow would be pretty cool. What would make it even cooler is if the bow would replenish its own arrows as long as the entire armor set is equipped.


Or maybe some means to eliminate the pilgrimage totally if you're already the Champion of Cyrodiil, because why would the Nine need to apply this test to their chosen hero?

I'm not so keen on this. The Divine Crusader needs to remain humble, and the walking the Pilgrim's Way is a good way to measure that. A humble Crusader would walk the path out of obedience to the Nine, while one who is not humble would resent being sent on what they would view as "a pointless journey". Don't forget, the order's end was brought about largely by a lack of humility on the parts of the Knights.

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Thanks for the ideas so far. :)


@ diosoth:


For the female Crusader Relics, I already have permission to use Madmole's Exnem mesh. The main reason that this was chosen is that it works just as well with the vanilla body as with the Exnem body. :)


A bow is a great idea! I can't call it "The Bow of the Crusader" though as the Crusader Relics were supposed to represent the Eight Divines. I can still include some sort of legendary bow that would fit the theme. I'm thinking Auriel's Bow perhaps, since Auriel = Akatosh. ;)


Lootable Auroran armour... another good idea. It would mean that I have to create an Auroran race (probably using the dremora or Xivilai body) so I'll need to weigh up work involved vs. added benefit. I'll tinker with this once the main quest coding is complete.


Umaril's armour will be lootable though.



I won't be tinkering with the original KOTN main quest mainly for compatibility reasons. Those who didn't like the Pilgrimage quest can easily grab one of many "Stack of Wayshrines" mods available.


@ The_Vyper


No summon steed spell... but a "good" version of Shadowmere is already in the works. ;)


@ Both


There are strong quest related reasons for removing the infamy check and it's not just to appease the whiners. I can't say the reason without spoiling a major plot point, but you can take my word for this. ;) NPCs will still be saying their "I used to think you were a hero" thing so you still can't go on a murdering spree without it getting on your conscience.

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I don't really have any suggestions, since I've never actually played through much of KotN (stuff keeps coming up...), but I have a character in the final stages of working up who will have it as one of her central story arcs I'm planning (in concert with the Losing my Religion mod, she's gonna be seriously pissed at what happens in Anvil...), so I look forward to adding this when the time comes.
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I don't mind the pilgrimage, so long as I have a wayshrine map marker installed. The default "no map markers" setup did bug me to begin with. The map that the prophet gives you is also only halfway useful, even with it I had an annoying time finding these shrines. With map markers, the full pilgrimage takes maybe 2 minutes provided you've discovered the shrines already, and it makes the prophet's map more helpful.
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I think the default Pilgrimage is fine as well, and there are already plenty of mods to make it easier for those who don't like it. :)


I had a look at Pelinal's speech and subtitles... The subtitles are already forced to ON, but it looks like it won't override your "no subtitles" settings. AFAIK, the volume can't be changed without modifying the sound files themselves. It would take me 5 minutes to whip up a small esp that would display a message at the top left of the screen for each line of his speech though. Let me know if you'd like that. (I won't be including such a change into KOTNR for compatibility reasons.)


And for anyone else, feel free to chime in if you can think of...


  • Anything that could be fixed.
  • Any mini-quest ideas.

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