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Crimson Twilight Armor 1st person glitch


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Hello modders, I'm having an issue with this otherwise great piece of armor : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59399/?


The issue is when I'm crouching and using a shout while moving, there's some kind of camera movement that's meant to simulate the character's head movement (I think), which makes the inside of the armor chest-piece visible on the screen, like so :




This is the only armor that gives me this problem, I'm thinking the mod author forget to make the 1st person model transparent of something... Btw, I am NOT using any mod that modifies the 1st person camera.


Would if be possible to solve this by somehow editing the mod files? Another solution would be to disable the shouting animation but even the mod Disable Camera Sway doesn't do it and I have found any mod that does it.


Any help would be appreciated

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