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CTD when saving


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Situation and problem: I'm in the middle of a ~100h playthrough. I just destroyed the Institute and out of the blue the game starts crashing whenever I try to save (not saying game progression has anything to do with the problem). It happens both when I sleep (survival mode) and when I quicksave using the mod "SURVIVAL QUICK SAVE". After a few dozen tries it's pretty obvious its 100% chance to CTD, not just sometimes. Strange thing is, when it happens, all 3 saves I keep at a time get the same issue, even though I've (obviously) saved once and twice more after the two previous saves. Luckily I've kept saves from before making big choices throughout the game and when I copy those back into the save folder, I can save again. But after a bit more playing, the issue returns. Saving works properly again if I start a new game with the same mod loadout.


Mods: I'll put the mods and load order at the bottom. I've used the same loadout for the whole game, haven't changed or updated anything (and nothing needs updating atm), with no issues. As far as I know, all mods are installed correctly. I tried disabling some to locate a faulty mod but no result. When I searched the interwebz for a solution I came across some people who had used Fallout 4 Save Game Editor and deleted plugins in there and made it work. Mostly they were cases of people who had deleted mods, gotten a corrupt save and then used F4SGE to make the saves work again. However, I haven't changed my mods at all. But by using this method I actually did manage to get the saving to work again. I even managed to nail it down to the HUDFramework plugin. However, I have no clue what F4SGE does when I delete plugins there, but it does seem to mess up my item sorting somewhat. Disabling the mod in my load order does nothing. Neither did reinstalling the mod. Given the nature of HUDFramework I guess it might mean mods that rely on it may be the problem. However, trying to nail those down in the load order nor in F4SGE yielded any results. Reinstalling them likewise. I've only found that disabling the HUDFramework plugin in F4SGE solves the problem, albeit with a somewhat screwed inventory. I also verified the game files in steam and all was perfect.


I have no clue what the problem might be or what to do. If someone here could give me some hints or even know a solution I'd be extremely happy as I have lots more to discover in the game. Also, I know nothing about the nature of mods or modding beyond how to read and follow install instructions. In case you want to explain something :laugh:


Load order:

0 0 Fallout4.esm
1 1 DLCRobot.esm
2 2 DLCworkshop01.esm
3 3 DLCCoast.esm
4 4 DLCworkshop02.esm
5 5 DLCworkshop03.esm
6 6 DLCNukaWorld.esm
7 7 Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
8 8 ArmorKeywords.esm
9 9 TrueStormsFO4.esm
10 a HUDFramework.esm
11 b SimSettlements.esm
12 c VC_BetterWorkshopLightsComplete_Shadows.esp
13 d CleanSoup.esp
14 e Crimsomrider's DLC Ammo.esp
15 f EasyHacking.esp
16 10 EasyLockpicking.esp
17 11 DD_Khassar_De_Templari_Increased_build.esp
18 12 LongerHeadlampLightWithShadows3x.esp
19 13 LongerAreaRespawn.esp
20 14 LongerPowerLines3x.esp
21 15 QuickTrade.esp
22 16 salvagebeacons.esp
23 17 Vertibird Alt Fix.esp
24 18 BetterJunkFences.esp
25 19 Vault-tec brighter lights.esp
26 1a FO4Hotkeys.esp
27 1b DarkerNightsDetection.esp
28 1c Immersive HUD.esp
29 1d PAMAP.esp
30 1e PACP.esp
31 1f Quick Save.esp
32 20 PAMAP_Full-VIS_BySlot_Patch.esp
33 21 TrueStormsFO4-FarHarbor.esp
34 22 TrueStormsFO4-NukaWorld-FH-Compat.esp
35 23 DarkerNights.esp
36 24 TrueStormsFO4-GlowingSeaExtraRads.esp
37 25 TrueStormsFO4-FarHarborExtraRads.esp
38 26 TAS.esp
39 27 PowerArmorHUD.esp
40 28 CompanionStatus.esp
41 29 PowerArmorStorageSystem.esp
42 2a ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-DLCVersion-VanillaWeight.esp
43 2b ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkBetter+DEF_INV.esp
44 2c ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp
45 2d Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp
46 2e Radrose Usability - Empty Bottles.esp
47 2f Radrose - Valdacil Patch - FO4Hotkeys.esp
48 30 Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Immersive HUD.esp
49 31 Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SalvageBeacons.esp
50 32 Radrose - Valdacil Patch - TrueStormsFO4.esp
51 33 Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SimSettlements.esp
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What do you pick up or do in the time from you load an older save and until you crash? That is where i would look first.


With all those patches i hope you use wrye,because misplaced patches are like a slow growing cancer for your game, nothing now, nothing tomorrow, then BAM, AIDS!! else you can find a nifty guide on top of this forum section.


Also, those worldspace mods, I.DO.NOT.LIKE.THEM. With that engine it is like fire spewing in a house made of straw. (spawners/new buildings/total overhauls/ weathers and so)

I'm not saying that they are the problem, i'm just saying that they end up being a problem 90% of the time. /rant


If i'm not mistaken there is a brand new script extender out, try updating that sucker.

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I have thought it over, an i'm not quite convinced the problem is the HUD. Maybe you have a bloated savefile, those are pretty common when you use spawners. I don't think the engine is very well equipped for keeping track of extra IA/inventories/sounds/stats.


The whole game seems like a compromise, a nextgen game on a lastgen engine that also ran out of production time, so putting extra stuff in there is actually a pretty idiotic idea, but whatever, that won't hold ME back.

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The only common thing between the crashes is it being night and outside. Tried waiting to other times of the day and being inside. Nope.


The patches are merely sorting individual mod items into better categories. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but since they don't conflict and I'm nowhere near the mod limit, I don't think I need to merge them? Tried disabling them, though.


Updated F4SE. No.


I did try disabling all those worldspace mods, nothing. Although I have to destroy all Sim Settlement buildings before disabling the mod and I can't save after doing that so can't actually disable that one.


As far as I see it, and comparing to that of others, I don't think I have that much extra stuff in my world. I'm not massive into the building part, Sim Settlement just makes it way more entertaining when I actually do. I'm a hoarder of junk, sure. But I regularly keep my stashes clean of too many items. And again, compared to others I've heard/read about, it's not that much stuff. Shouldn't really be either since some have more than twice or thrice the playtime in a single run than me. Neither do I have a weak computer. Speaking of that, I hadn't tried lowering the graphic options. Tried, but no.


Save files are ~20mb if that says anything.


While ranting is understandable and I could easily join in, I'd like not to jump to conclusions. The problem may still be on me rather than at a game that could have been done better.



Anyway, thanks for the tries!



Edit: I think I found another detail. When loading older saves they only work if they were from before destroying the institute. Once that is done I can continue saving until I reload a save from after the bomb. Then the problem appears again. So somehow it seems to be connected to loading a save with some consequence(s) of blowing that place up. The only thing I can think of is supply lines since the terrain is changed, but that's vanilla stuff so I doubt it. Otherwise, no clue :confused:

Edited by sarlo
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I had a similar problem with quiksave a few months back. Unfortunately, I couldn't fix it and had to start over. Had nothing to do with the Institute, though, as I had not made it that far. Have you made changes to your mod list or load order lately? Try starting a new game and then load into your old save and see what happens. One other thing to try is to make a hard save( sleep in a bed) and then un-tick esps in groups and then try to quiksave. Eventually, you might find the problem. I actually found my problem afterwards and fixed it. But I had changed to many things to go back to that old save.

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No changes to load order or mods. I do have a save point from which saving works, but as I said after a while the issue started again. The problem is of course that because saving works again from this point, there's no way to pinpoint faulty mods by disabling them. Unless you mean to hard save (sleep) in a "corrupt" save. Then it doesn't work, any form of saving cause CTD.

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Yeah. I was dumb to say save when that is your problem. Honestly, I know I fixed that problem and I think it was mod related....wish I could remember. Still the best thing would be to uncheck groups of mods until the problem stops. My guess would be the longer area respawn esp. Otherwise those saves are corrupt and cannot be used again. I would avoid using any mod that effects timescale in the game other than resetting the general timescale such as changing it from 20 to 12 or the like. There are bugs in the game such as cell reset that will bork any effort to modify specific timescales- especially for things like spawns.

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  • 8 months later...

I realize that this an old thread, but I wanted to donate some information on my issue. I had accidentally launched a save through regular Fo4, and then I tried to save the same game through Fo4SE. Going to a revert to an old save before the 3 hours I put into it....... anyway, I believe that was the culprit for me.

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