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question about Fresh install and previous mods


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I am currently doing a fresh install. I deleted the fallout 4 folder in my C drive, in "mygames" folder, and the "fallout 4" folder in the user local apps folder.


my question is about my mods. I didn't touch any nexus mod manager folders when I deleted everything, as most of my downloads are pretty new. Should I have deleted them all , Is my fresh install useless without deleting them all? I manually uninstalled each of them through NMM before deleting any of the game folders, my logic being that I'm only trying to fresh install the base game and my mod files are relatively new.


I've been playing and modding the game for over a year and haven't had to do a fresh install, I've become relatively familiar with the game folders since installing and messing with all of the main big mods, f4se, enboost, shadow boost etc. I've just never done a fresh install, so if someone could point me to a reliable guide or explain how my mods will react to what I've done I would greatly appreciate it.

Edited by wanderer3292
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thanks, confirmation makes me feel a lot better. when you say "deleting the folders help" do you mean to delete the mod folders in the NMM folder? I uninstalled them before deleting the game files, so I would imagine that there should be no trace of them in my game, just the mods themselves in NMM
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ok,ONE more question, If I deleted all of the game folders, should I redownload the Season pass as well? the base game is currently downloading, but it's showing that the season pass is still installed. should I uninstall through steam and start the download now, wait until basegame is done downloading, or just leave it as is? Edited by wanderer3292
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much easier to prevent a problem than fix it ;)


on which note, any mod that requires you to edit the bUseCombinedObjects= entry in your fallout4.ini will probably cause some performance issues.

there are usually alternatives available that don't require such edits.

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