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Skyrim Translated mods


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Hi here,



There is an absurd amount of translated mods on SkyrimNexus. So much that every page has from 1 to 5 translated mods per page. And it's getting pretty annoying.






Can we get an option to hide the translated mods so that we can just see the original ones ?








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I agree, the translations are getting ridiculous. For example, I downloaded an Italian translation of a sound-effect mod and opened it in TESVSnip just to satisfy my curiosity and, sure enough, I could not find any translated text. It is nothing but sound-related data. I could not find any in-game text at all. I couldn't even find anything Italian. Look around and you'll find plenty of "translation" mods for things like sound effects and armor that probably require no translation because they contain little or no text.


About a week ago I noticed a translated version of one of my own mods in the Latest section. The person who made it had never contacted me and had ignored the permission settings on the file, which prohibited modifications and re-uploads. I asked him to take the translated version down, and he did, but the situation raises at least one significant issue. By the time that I had noticed the translated version existed I had already updated my file to a new version, making the translated one obsolete. Are all of these mod translators going to keep up on the version updates on all of these mods? If not, are the people that use the translated mods going to be bombarding the original mod authors with questions about bugs that have already been fixed in the original version because they are using an outdated translation? What about accidental mod-breaking edits that may be committed by the translators? It seems to go against the whole Nexus system of permissions control to allow this, and I think it will complicate mod support and development for authors. The translators are cranking these out. Some of them have spammed 15+ mod translations and I very much doubt they are going to be able to maintain all of them with updates.


I can think of at least one way to address this and that is to make a rule against separate translation mod listings, requiring that they be uploaded as optional downloads with the parent mod. If someone wants to translate a mod they can send the file or the relevant translated text to the original author. This would reduce the listing clutter and make things easier for mod authors, allowing them to decide if they want to support multiple versions of the same mod.

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Using your proposed rule and logic, are you going to allow others to upload files to your file page and accept the responsibility for the content ? [Probably not]


It is after all your page and your responsibility.


For the record, if the esp is translated to localized versions it will be allowed here. Other assets that the original author created will not be allowed and are expected to be linked back to the original file page with credits listed.


So I suggest using the report button and letting the staff handle it as that is our job. Trying to handle it yourself may backfire on you.



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It might be a good idea to, instead of hosting the translation files separately, add the translated files to the main file as optional and say so in the Readme in the appropriate language.

so like the mirrors tab


a new tab to link to translation variations


Nice idea!!

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The only way to do that is grant editing access to others, but the page is owned by the creator and is responsible for it's contents. If anyone with editing access violated the rules or terms of service on the upload page, the owner would be the one to get burnt....his page, his responsibility.


Now the tab would be a good deal all around, but at this time no changes are being considered due to the upcoming rollout and debugging of the new site code, which should be this week or next. After that is implemented and stable, new features may be added to accomidate this type of suggestion....and would be doable.


Robin goes into a little detail in his latest blog....it has an index if you don't want to watch the whole thing....although it is quite informative and a bit humorous as well.

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Or just get the translator to host the files somewhere where you can download them and add the translated file to the main files page yourself. But this is a user-side fix, so it'd be hard to get everyone to do it.
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My suggestion was not that the original mod creator grant any additional access to anyone, and I don't think that is the only way to do it. I propose general discouragement of the listing of the same mod under several languages unless it actually has a significant amount of translatable content. It makes perfect sense to do translations of books or dialogue, but not so much for an armor or weapon mod and certainly not for a sound effect mod. For things like this the translation would amount to changing a few text strings, and I wonder if changing a few text strings a calling it a new mod is a cool idea, even if it is allowed within the rules. It seems to just clutter things up. I realize that is hardly a great sin, but it is moderately annoying. My proposal requires no alteration of site code, just a small rules clarification. Right now it is a grey area, or at least seems like it is being perceived that way.
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Dark0ne keeps an eye on this particular part of the forum, so he may weigh in on it.


I have not seen the new site yet, although I am assuming it will be open to the staff in the not to distant future, prior to going live.


There may be new filter options in the search to make this discussion moot in nature. I know there has been much discussion about other filters, so it will be wait and see for all of us.


But a translation tab would be doable as an add in to a file page. But it would be one of those things that the file page owner would have to populate, and I believe most would if they were asked to.


The final call will be Robin's.


Sorry if I came off as an ass, it was not my intent........I interpreted it one way, while your intent was another. The joys of the internet.



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