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Pistol Mod opinions?


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oh wow,

there's a lot of options.

it is going to depend on what you personally like,

given the nX! worth of combos now out there hehe.


WARS, better pipe weapons,

Forgotten Weapons part pack, you name it.

with those, and any mod any weapon, you can kludge

a lot of weapons together.


how quiet? semi, revolver, direct striker etc?

that'll determine what you go for - I know FO4 isn't quite Hitman-TM, MGS, TomClancy:SC

or ARMA levels of uberstealth necessary hehe.

do you want pipe-weapon shabby-chic and that wasteland look? for roleplaying/character

or, are survivability and reliability more important?



I'm going to guess you're not a derringer fan,

though you'd enjoy

the Ruger Luger Mk2 integrally suppressed, or with WexTek/SilencerCo extra stummer.


you might find the range and accuracy to be not so good,

but, it's overall weight and the fact it counts as a suppressed without needing a muzzle affixment,

means you could potentially equip it with a pencil-shiv from

"shivs of the wasteland" etc...

or an extra suppressor slot, without needing Any Mod Any Weapon to do so!


other ideas are in the partition below;



do you want a little pistol? A derringer with silencer co or different muzzle can look neat and be exceptionally quiet.

I'm trying to convince the maker of my Spud Gun slamfire pipe pistol to make their mod available

- you can have a 'spud gun' that is a potato-eater blaster hehe.

it's compatible with the derringer and 'glastonderry pocket miracle' parts packs.

crudy stopping power, accuracy, followup shots etc... but on survival, it will do hehe.


the lancaster over-under is a very neat option for 2 reliable suppressed rounds on tap.

this is technically a shorty/short shotgun, suppressed though, it is a similar length to some other blasters.

which leads in to the Serbu shorty - a very nice short blaster,

with the serbu deluxe over-under, it can also be quite quiet. it looks hilarious with a nuka-cola suppressor,

or with an oil-can stummer.


an ASP7 or PSM or Tokarev are also very quiet little rigs, as are Arsenal Arms Stryzhk with Sukhoi muzzle.

there's then the swankier Walther PP-Z series (they're all prototype parts based on an abandoned Walther line)

for fans of that meddlesome Gin-swilling turdbag named after a street, from the U-kay.

these days, he's more of a Heineken fan than wodka shaken not stirred.


speaking of double-oh-no's,

do you want a Welrod or its variants?

that is period accurate, and little changed since '35

the stopping power really is that woeful, though it is the quietest option of presently modded FO4 stuff.


want american made that's period accurate? Ruger Luger mk2 integrally suppressed in 22, 38, and 9subS

that has been around for ages, and there'd be quite a few floating around in the fallout-verse hehe.

this is probably the most 'realistic' for lite suppressed stuff.

and, with Ruger's limited Ruger-SIG partnership, thats right - you get access to all those awesome uppers that quick change out!

(in-game, these look great)


then, we have the weird or what stuff like

nonesuch systems/serbu hybrid stuff.

that's slamfire pipe/zips, such as 'walking-crutches blaster" etc.

several mods add 'firing walking canes' etc,

so, you can blast in style.

most of these are single shot, short range 'personal defense'.


there's also felt/leather stummer revolvers,

one for Fallout is the 'ocelot', which doesn't play any sounds when taking out or using,

only when firing. it has that 'cough' style 'hollywood quiet' sound effect.

I think that is ridiculously too quiet, but whatever.


a chiappa "quiet one" 9mm revolver integrally suppressed is also soon to be released as a mod parts pack for

Fallout 4.

this adds a very familiar item, with a hexagonal shaped stummer affixed.

I think this is goofy - who'd want a 48cm pistol? kinda defeats the purpose.

but, it definitely looks like it fits in with fallout.




I hope this helps somewhat, thats all the suppressed sidearm blasters in FO4 i presently know of hehe.

happy blasting in the commonwealth wasteland.

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oh wow,

there's a lot of options.

it is going to depend on what you personally like,

given the nX! worth of combos now out there hehe.


WARS, better pipe weapons,

Forgotten Weapons part pack, you name it.

with those, and any mod any weapon, you can kludge

a lot of weapons together.


how quiet? semi, revolver, direct striker etc?

that'll determine what you go for - I know FO4 isn't quite Hitman-TM, MGS, TomClancy:SC

or ARMA levels of uberstealth necessary hehe.

do you want pipe-weapon shabby-chic and that wasteland look? for roleplaying/character

or, are survivability and reliability more important?



I'm going to guess you're not a derringer fan,

though you'd enjoy

the Ruger Luger Mk2 integrally suppressed, or with WexTek/SilencerCo extra stummer.


you might find the range and accuracy to be not so good,

but, it's overall weight and the fact it counts as a suppressed without needing a muzzle affixment,

means you could potentially equip it with a pencil-shiv from

"shivs of the wasteland" etc...

or an extra suppressor slot, without needing Any Mod Any Weapon to do so!


other ideas are in the partition below;



do you want a little pistol? A derringer with silencer co or different muzzle can look neat and be exceptionally quiet.

I'm trying to convince the maker of my Spud Gun slamfire pipe pistol to make their mod available

- you can have a 'spud gun' that is a potato-eater blaster hehe.

it's compatible with the derringer and 'glastonderry pocket miracle' parts packs.

crudy stopping power, accuracy, followup shots etc... but on survival, it will do hehe.


the lancaster over-under is a very neat option for 2 reliable suppressed rounds on tap.

this is technically a shorty/short shotgun, suppressed though, it is a similar length to some other blasters.

which leads in to the Serbu shorty - a very nice short blaster,

with the serbu deluxe over-under, it can also be quite quiet. it looks hilarious with a nuka-cola suppressor,

or with an oil-can stummer.


an ASP7 or PSM or Tokarev are also very quiet little rigs, as are Arsenal Arms Stryzhk with Sukhoi muzzle.

there's then the s*censored*ier Walther PP-Z series (they're all prototype parts based on an abandoned Walther line)

for fans of that meddlesome Gin-swilling turdbag named after a street, from the U-kay.

these days, he's more of a Heineken fan than wodka shaken not stirred.


speaking of double-oh-no's,

do you want a Welrod or its variants?

that is period accurate, and little changed since '35

the stopping power really is that woeful, though it is the quietest option of presently modded FO4 stuff.


want american made that's period accurate? Ruger Luger mk2 integrally suppressed in 22, 38, and 9subS

that has been around for ages, and there'd be quite a few floating around in the fallout-verse hehe.

this is probably the most 'realistic' for lite suppressed stuff.

and, with Ruger's limited Ruger-SIG partnership, thats right - you get access to all those awesome uppers that quick change out!

(in-game, these look great)


then, we have the weird or what stuff like

nonesuch systems/serbu hybrid stuff.

that's slamfire pipe/zips, such as 'walking-crutches blaster" etc.

several mods add 'firing walking canes' etc,

so, you can blast in style.

most of these are single shot, short range 'personal defense'.


there's also felt/leather stummer revolvers,

one for Fallout is the 'ocelot', which doesn't play any sounds when taking out or using,

only when firing. it has that 'cough' style 'hollywood quiet' sound effect.

I think that is ridiculously too quiet, but whatever.


a chiappa "quiet one" 9mm revolver integrally suppressed is also soon to be released as a mod parts pack for

Fallout 4.

this adds a very familiar item, with a hexagonal shaped stummer affixed.

I think this is goofy - who'd want a 48cm pistol? kinda defeats the purpose.

but, it definitely looks like it fits in with fallout.




I hope this helps somewhat, thats all the suppressed sidearm blasters in FO4 i presently know of hehe.

happy blasting in the commonwealth wasteland.


just FYI, you can't silence a revolver unless it's a Nagant 1895. you'd think a Forgotten Weapons fan would know that. :P

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... a mod that add a pistol ? ..... so you want a pistol, a powerful pistol right ? Ok, here is my suggestion : do not download any mod ... you will get the 10mm pistol as soon as you start the game ... make it explosive via console command and add a suppressor and you are done !! With only this weapon you can beat the entire game. Make it automatic via bench and you will get a very rapid fire and powerful hand gun. You do not need any mod !!


.. there are some mods to add the famous : M1911 and the Glock ... but they are not better than the 10mm pistol that you can get in the game ... yes, you can make the M1911 ( .45 ACP ) and the Glock, explosive via console command but you won't be able to make them fully automatic .... unless you want those two ( and do not get me wrong, there are very nice weapons ), I do not see the need to be looking for a specific mod to download a pistol when you already have one : the powerful 10mm handgun ....

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