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I'm just about to give up at this point...


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Alright. So it worked for five minutes and then crashed.


What specifically are you doing when it crashes? Workbench? running/sprinting? Shooting? Looking a certain direction?


I know Papyrus logs are not meant for troubleshooting, but I wonder what yours reads upon crash, as it has often led me to a mod that changed a RefID somewhere and when trying to call it, failed because it was either changed, or removed.


Have you tried running LOOT to sort your loadorder? There may be mods that are incompatible with each other if their position in your load order is wrong.


Did you ever try this? http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/22633/? It does a great job of detecting and removing unattached scripts and instances.


We are gonna find the root cause of this, even if we have to have you turn off all your mods and slowly re-add them until you find the culprit, because now I'm intrigued.

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Have you tried running LOOT to sort your loadorder? There may be mods that are incompatible with each other if their position in your load order is wrong.

We are gonna find the root cause of this, even if we have to have you turn off all your mods and slowly re-add them until you find the culprit, because now I'm intrigued.

rather than using LOOT, check out this load order guide.

LOOT doesn't always put mods in the right place so you will need to manually sort your load order after using LOOT anyway.


manually sorting is also better because doing it helps you understand what is going on in the load order.

FO4Edit is a better place to look for conflicts.

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I respect what other suggested to you but I would run LOOT at least one time and then, manually place your mods according to what the mod's author recommended. Also, have you cleaned the fallout 4 files using FO4edit ? They must be cleaned before you even start playing the game.


LOOT is not a tool that we should trust blindly but it is a good tool to sort your mods the very first time before start playing. From that point, place your mods manually and stick to the author's recommendations. For example, LOOT placed my Scrap Everything on the top/middle of my load order and the author of that mod recommends to be placed at the very bottom or as close to the bottom as you can. As soon as I moved it down below, I did not have more CTD's. Just to give you an idea, but there are mods that can be placed everywhere and this is where LOOT is useful ... or you can do everything manually and follow what mighty zog suggested to you.


I do have my own procedure : clean all fallout 4 master files first, LOOT only one time and then manually move mods according to author's recommendation. Export a copy of my load order and keep it. If I install / uninstall any mod mid game ( which is not recommended ) then I run LOOT and re-place my mods following the previous load order that I keep in my desktop.


So far, I have not had any CTD's in my last play through. Running 80 mods only and one of them is very strong and challenging for any computer : WOTC ( War of the Commonwealth ) .... setup above the default. Before, when I installed this mod, it was placed by LOOT at the very bottom of my load order and I was having a lot of CTD's. I asked the author of this mod where should I place this mod and since then, my game is running super smooth, no CTD's at all.



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