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Planned Mod List for Morrowind Rebirth Playthrough


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I have planning to for a while now to do a play through of Morrowind using the Rebirth Mod even more so that I have a gaming computer so I can actually enjoy with MGE XE and all the bells and whistles.
Part of the planning process is coming up with the list of what mods I plan to use for this playthrough.I've done so making sure to keep compatibility in mind and going with what I really want plus making sure I was just reinstalling stuff that already came with MGSO and hasn't been updated since.But of course I could have made mistakes.So I thought I should get a second opinion. So here is my proposed mod list of a playthrough of Morrowind with the Rebirth Mod.


This is of course not organized by load order but by mod type since I am not at that stage yet.I am looking for advice are their mods I should cut out,am I missing some good ones,compatibility issues and other suggestions.I was also wondering if anyone knows of a good house mod that is lore friendly and rebirth compatible.I am using an MGSO V3 plus rebirth install as a base then tweaking,updated to my tastes or at least that's the plan.

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No mesh fixes and improvements.ok checked.Anything else I should look out for or is that it,or I am all set?

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Well first of all I would try a much more slim list for Rebirth. You could try the suggested list of mods on the Rebirth nexus or moddb-site.


Using too many content rich mods with Rebirth is to ask for compatibility-issues.

Edited by johanrosen
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Here is my updated list,most of what's left is stuff I really want to use plus stuff I am not sure on the compatibility of.


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Here it is,sorry for the double post,its cause my first was a quick reply and I forgot I could add the attachment to that.

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I did that and I think I might be all set,I haven't tested it yet,wish me luck.

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