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Fallout 4 rare bug


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Hello everyone,

Lately I've encountered a bug where bullets no longer hit enemies which did before. I had tried it out on different range and found out that gun range was greatly reduced somehow and not responding to it's original range. Further looking into the internet i found out that the bug affects the saves retrospectively and affects all saves making it near impossible to revert back to a no bug state or it'd cost you a lot of your gameplay hours. What's even more surprising is that there isn't much about this topic in the internet and there have not been any solutions but to load a very old save or it is said to completely turn off the computer the turn it back on to remove the bug [none of which worked in my case :(] so I'm here now asking for help, a moded fix for the bug..

Thank you for your time.

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only weapon mods but i removed them.. minutes ago i did a full reinstallation and started up the game(also deleted f4se folder from documents), turned off all mods from inside fallout 4 and enabled them afterwards. bug went away for a few minutes but then came back.


edit: i do use,


Jetpack and serveral armor mod

MGS aiming

Ragdoll force

See through scope framework

power armor animation and sitting female animation

settlement mods and a few others that don't affect combat much

Edited by Mays91
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there 3 things may cause it

1. some mod affect projectiles (bullets)

to check it - go fo4edit, load there all ur mods, open them and look for 'projectile' tab in left section. if some mod have it - open and compare any projectiles data with vanilla


2. also some mod can affect guns, and reduce it's shot distance

do same, but look for weapon' tab, compare data with vanilla


3. some of ur old mods have the scripts that cause this (they work even if u delete mod)

try to rename 'fallout4/data/scripts folder to 'scripts1' (to disable all scripts)


hope it help, good luck!:)

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