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Activate Parallax for SSE


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Thanks for clarifying. I took "Arthmoor has since shut down all support for his mods & has stated that all future updates to his mods will be exclusive to the Skyrim SE platform" literally.

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@Arthmoor ... Ya know, there is a teensy part of all this which makes me think Beth had the tech to develop parallax for DX11 but deliberately excluded it to see what WE, the modding community, would come up with to compensate for the loss, from things like SMIM to the new Skyrim 3D Landscapes. Is that paranoid?


OK, yeah, but why wouldn't they develop something to replace it, unless they believe that would be tantamount to providing existing ESIV owners with a whole new game for free. That make sense? I mean, it sort of supports the psychopathology of game developers that have a history of reusing game engines for multiple games. The consumer, hypothetically that is, would be only paying for new narrative content (SSE v FO4 for example) and not new graphical content.


Kind of a stretch, I know. Everyone but Arthmoor (I'm extrapolating; sorry if I got that wrong) has been perplexed by Beth's decision to exclude parallax nevertheless. So, it's antiquated. I get it. Thank you for that Arthmoor. I believe that's the first time I've run across that assessment. Can't find any convenient links to that discussion, however, apart from Wikipedia's explanation of tessellation, which in this context creates more questions than it answers.


Sorry for windy rambling. Just perplexed, I guess.

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I know I'm late coming to this discussion but I would like to throw in my vote towards getting parallax mapping re-enabled. And I would be up to helping spread the word or doing whatever I can.

Because it's ridiculous that it has been disabled in the first place. Does anyone know why?

Also I know nothing about scripting but is the something SKSE64 could enable?


Sorry for the late response, but the parallax discussion seems to have been resurrected by certain recent SSE mods such as, "Ice Cave Parallax" and "Wavy Waters."


Someone, off-site, seems to have knocked out a very rough proof-of-concept shader workaround ( aka bump mapping ) using ReShade 3.0, which is fully compatible with DX11 and 64-bit Skyrim. I referred to this my Aug 20, 2017 post above.


The poster TossableStuff broke this down here: https://www.loverslab.com/topic/80225-parallax-occlusion-mapping-for-sse-proof-of-concept/


The shader may be downloaded here: https://mega.nz/#!YW...2yI4G9FrSB6OsXY

I recommend reading TossableStuff's instructions first. None of this is perfect but it dispels some misconceptions and provides a starting point for a bump mapping update to anyone with the background.



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Boris implemented Parallax, tesselation and displacement for the waters into his enb.

Generel parallax is also possible, but you would have to work on a lot of shaders. More than on vanilla.

Maybe Boris is bored enough to do it one day.

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