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Importing Exporting kfs for blender


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I am attempting to undertake the bold and foolish task of editing character kf animations with blender. Unfortunately any kf that I edit has the NPCs/player facing 90 degrees to the right. It does this even when I import the kf into blender and then immediately export it without changing anything.


I was wondering if anyone knew what the proper import/export settings were for blender? Or if there is some sort of after work that needs to be done in nifskope?


Here are the settings I used for importing mtidle.kf





Here are the settings I used for exporting mtidle.kf







And this is the result in game.







And here is the "mod" itself



Any help would be appreciated.

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I don't really have much experience with kf files. I figured out how to import one and that's as far as I've had time to play with it.


I do have this bookmarked for future reference whenever I do get some time to play with animations. It discusses the animations loading incorrectly due to a bug with the nif tools and how you need to fix it.



Since it mentions the bug ends up loading the animations sideways, I suspect that this is what is causing your problem.

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Turns out that it was an issue that could be fixed in nifskope. Apparently Bip01 will generally have a rotation applied to its "Quaternion" within its "interpolator"


To fix it it click on the root NiControllerSequence in the Block List, then expand the submenu Controlled Blocks in the Block Details, then find and expand the Controlled Blocks Bip01, click on the the Controlled Blocks Bip01's Interpolator, then set Bip01's rotation to 0, 0 , 0.




Thank you for the help :smile:

Edited by clanky4
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