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Is morrowind that important!


Is morrowind that important!  

3 members have voted

  1. 1. Is morrowind that important!

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Food? Water? Air? Social life?

Yes, yes, yes, and yes, respectively. Of course everyone here is going to say MW is that important! The entire base of these forums is MW... I'm pretty sure someone who doesn't like MW won't post here.


And nice double-post.

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well...i havent played it in quite a while, ive been working on my graphical enhancement mod im going to be relesing with project apex (morrowind with a facelift, think that benchmarking program, codecreatures...except much easier to run smoothly).


but uhh....if i didnt eat i would be dead...water...dehydration...id be sick too....no...it isnt :mellow:

now...where was that shotgun...

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