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Gore level?


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There is not a large amount of gore really. You can decapitate people once you get a certain perk but you cannot chop off limbs ever. There's plenty of blood that will cover your weapon and splatter on you occasionally (along with walls and floors).


The cutscenes are not particularly gruesome and are only triggered when there is only one enemy close to you and only if your attack could deal enough damage to kill the person anyway. There is a mod that will allow cutscenes when multiple enemies are around and I believe a few mods that add new animations but I haven't checked them out yet.


I'm not sure how much blood and gore you're looking for though.

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I'd prefer vanilla Fallout 3 level gore.


I definitely miss it and would prefer it as well. There's just something wrong with not being able to dismember a bandit or a monster in the harsh environment the game presents. I'm not even a big fan of gore, it just feels missing!

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Did somebody say gore?


On a serious note, I checked the ini file and don't see anything to change the "gore" level. But from my understanding, there's a ton of secret ini tweaks that you can do so maybe if the right "tweak" were found, it could be done to an extent. I think the warewolf blood squirt is strictly script-based so you'd probably have to have a mod to use it with normal attacks for anyone.

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I think the idea in Fallout 3 was that guns and rockets can do a lot more damage than swords can, so that's probably why the damage was removed in Skyrim. And maybe it had something to do with console performance troubles as well, idk.


Either way, dismemberment just like in Fallout 3 or NV would be a little over the top unless we're talking about dragon attacks. I'd like for it to be possible, but for it to be less common than in Fallout.

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