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Users of Valdacil's Item Sorting PLEASE weigh-in!


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Hi guys - I've spent some time away from the commonwealth. I have a fresh install and I decided I wanted to try running DEFUI and VIS along with Weaponsmith Extended this go around.


However the more I dug around for VIS patches to favorite mods - I also saw reports of different CTD issues related to the DLC and UI.


So I was hoping some long time users might offer up what experience they've had? Thanks for taking the time to read my post.

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User error.


Most of the time yea. I had issues with the DEF_HUD mod causing CTDs. It was an icon issue having to do with Automaton when it first came out. I believe the issues have since been fixed but I don't use the features it has so I stick to regular HUD and just use the barter and such parts of the UI.


Other than that, I use VIS sorting without issues along with the DEF_UI mod parts. I do not install DEF_HUD.

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