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Useful Settlement Additions


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How about adding NPC useable settlement modules in a new mod. These modules could be put in early to give just some a settlement beds, defence, food, water and happiness before the sim settlement starts to fully evolve and gain these needs.


Beds could be an open sided hut with a few built in beds.


Defence could be a tower with one, or more, built in machinegun turrets.


Food could be an open sided hut with a large planter plus plants.


Water could be an open sided hut with small water plant.


Happiness could be a statue of some kind.


Other possibilities!


An open sided hut with chairs and a table for sitting, of course.


An open sided hut with a vending machine for food.


An open sided hut with a NukaCola vending machine for happiness.


An open sided hut complete with static weapon display containers, as an armoury, for defence.


An assortment of open sided huts, each being meant to be used with a particular type of

workbench or such as a scavenging station, a working shower, etc.


Perhaps chooseable themes such as vault, settler, etc.


With lights, windows but with at least some room for other additions.


Not cheat items as they will need to be paid for with resources and will give only basic resources.


Meant to support Sim Settlements, modded player settlements etc.

Edited by Maharg67
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The modules would be there to be used if necessary and you do not have to use all of them. I see this mod as starting quite small and slowly steadily getting bigger and more sophisticated. Sim Settlements is a wonderful mod but can take time to get really going. Also some settlement sites are more promising than others. A gamer could also use it later to boost a settlement or to add eye candy. Perhaps some settlements could simply use such modules but that would be up to the mod user. Positive responses, please!

Edited by Maharg67
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there are some Sim Settlement mods that work well for small starting settlements.

Hunter Gather is an industrial plot that adds food and defense to get a settlement started.

use the ASAM Meter on the plot to open the menu to choose which plot gets built to pick the hunter gather then when your settlement grows, use the ASAM Meter to pick a different plot that suits your settlement better


Jib;s Residential adds a Victorian Doss House with multiple beds so you could get more workers with less housing plots.


Northland Dggers has a lot of workstations you can assign settlers to that provide food or other resources.

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Thank you for your positive feedback and advise! I will look at creating such an add-on pack through Sim Settlements!

PS: I am already using all of the suggested mods but wanted something as much for eye-candy as for usefulness along with more possible options.

Thanks again!

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