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Unblock users from my files? O.o


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Well... about a half year ago I have blocked someone from all my fioles, PMs, from my profile, and ofc threw the person out of my frien list.

The first oddity was that he could write me a PM asking for forgiveness just lately. I blocked him, so why? Anyway...

I was fair enough to unblock him, and add him to my friendlist again, even track him and so on and so forth...

Now that I uploaded a file, that person reports that he cannot even open the modpage, because it tells him that I blocked him from my stuff.

But haven't I revoked that by unblocking him? I had a look for possigly hidden settings or anything, I had a look at the file management pages, with no luck.


So can anyone PLEASE (for heaven's sake ;) ) tell me how to unblock a user from my files? O.o

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