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[LE] Suddenly crash to desktop in cell


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I've had a cell that was stable to months suddenly start crashing to desktop when the render window opens or on entering the cell. I fairly recently made a few changes, I enlarged a couple rooms by a total of about 10 floor spaces, modified some ingredients to be flora and added a couple mannequins. Could the cell be just too big? It's at about 85% full. I removed some lights and was able to get in, but then it crashed again. I was able to get in with the custom flora in place and replaced them all with vanilla ingredients, coc'd out of the cell waited a few days and coc'd back and crashed. I checked the editor error log and the only thing mentioning this cell was a couple sleep packages with no targets.


Is it just too big? I could cut off a room to a separate cell. Or could it have been corrupted? I could I suppose make a new cell and recreate it but it would be a real pain. Any suggestions about how to fix this. It only seems to be this one cell.

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If your cell is big and cluttered it can be a tough job for the game to load every single one of your objects at the same time. You should use Roombounds to optimize your cell if you haven't already.


There could be a number of other reasons though. For instance, it is often seen that one single little object makes your game ctd as soon as it loads. But in most cases you should've been able to see an error in your editor log if that was the case...

Edited by wormple12
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Thank you. I do suspect size since the trouble started when I slightly enlarged the cell. I did put room bounds around sections of it. If I can get it to load I'm going to try to copy one section of the cell and paste it into a separate cell and delete that section from my cell. 85% might just be too big. One question, does anyone know the difference between paste and paste in place?

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