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Morrowind Patch and Imperial Chain Pauldrons


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I was digging around in the Unofficial Morrowind Patch that comes with MGSO, and I saw that it revises the Imperial Chain Pauldrons to make them medium armor, and gives them stats comparable to the other pieces of Imperial Chain armor.

7 Weight, 100 Health, 12 Armor.


But when I play the game, it still has the stats from the base game, making them heavy armor and more powerful than Imperial Steel. I'm not running anything other than MGSO, and digging through the other included mods with Enchanted Editor, none of them appear to alter the Pauldrons. TESPCD doesn't show any armor conflicts.


Any thoughts on what may be causing the change to not be implemented? I see that there's a mod here that just changes the weight, and the one posted comment is "I'd love this mod . . . if it worked. I put it in my load order - no change on the pauldrons." Maybe it's something strange inherent in the Pauldrons?

Edited by ProfArmitage
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About all I can think of is MPP loading before one of the Bethesda ESMs. Do you use mlox? The version included in MGSO is years out of date. That should move MPP to an appropriate place in your load order.


If that doesn't work could you post your load order from mlox?

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I make sure to install the newest versions of mlox, MGE XE, MWSE, Code Patch, Morrowind Patch, and everything else.


The first four items in the load order are




Morrowind Patch v 1.6.6 beta


Other changes from the patch are implemented. Reducing the value of Hackle-Lo Leaf, for example. It's not a big deal. Those pauldrons have just always annoyed me, and I was going to try to fix them myself until I saw that the patch already had.

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